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"I honestly feel like shit and I feel like everyone hates me, I'm so worthless, and useless and there's really no point in me. I'm a waste of space and I'm not good enough for anyone. I just want to be loved and held and I can't have that. I'm an unlovable person, I'm not the type of girl boys fall for. I've lost many people. I'm so tired, the type of tired no amount of sleep can heal. I'm really really on the edge of no where. I'm so alone. All the time. I like to be alone way too much. I cry to much. I like sleep, because dreams help me escape into what could never be real. I wish I was happy. I wish I was okay. I wish I was good enough. I wish I was worth something. I wish someone wanted me. I wish I wasn't me. I'm mentally sick and I can't deal with it anymore. I wish I could run away. Forget all of this. Because how happy would I be, to mean something? You, are the only reason I'm still here. I've never in my life felt so bad about myself than what I'm feeling now. I don't know there's days when I'm actually okay, but today set me back months. I don't know what happened, I was recovering but that's it all gone. Everything's gone. I'm now just a useless girl, with nothing to hold on to, people who don't care about me anymore, and a broken soul. how am I hoping for the day when I'll be okay, if i don't even know ill make it to that day?"

Just empty scarsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя