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"It was late on a Saturday night. It was cold and bleak outside. The rain was falling almost as fast as my tears were. I was sitting looking out my window with my laptop sat on my lap. I wrote a meaning for every raindrop that joined to another, and then split in to a million different drops. People search for meaning everywhere, when they're making it harder for themselves. It's actually easy to find. I simply look out the window, give everything I see a meaning, and one will slowly link to mine. Or parts from each one will make up my purpose. The darkness outside complimented the fairy lights in the shapes of stars around my windowsill. They brought light, I put them there so dark thoughts would not come to me while I was looking for the bright side of my life. If it was a starry night, I would leave the windows open and put a small pillow on the outside, next to the safety bar so I wouldn't fall. I would rest my head, and then tell a different story for each star, every star was someone I knew, someone I loved, or used to. I played music quietly and enjoyed this. These are the things that help me calm down. Help me erase bad thoughts. All you have to do is look out the window and suddenly, you're surrounded by values."

Just empty scarsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя