Chapter Nine.

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Thanks to nananatascha who helped me write this, the begining bit was all thanks to her! Love



I sat on the chair in the living room, muttering curseful words about Faye. How can she do that to me?!? I know i have Riley but she knew i always liked Kellan! My mind was suffocated with thoughts of what they might be doing together. I turned to look out of the window and i saw her and Kellan outside... He saw me looking at him, I felt my cheeks warming up, but then Faye pulled him to her... and kissed him. At this point, i was pissed. I hate her, i hate her, i hate her! I angrily stood up and was rushing to the front door, when someone grabbed my hand. It was Riley.

“Hey, what’s up? You look ...umm.. annoyed? If that’s the right word..”

“Really? I’m not .. i just wanted some fresh air” I lied.

“Oh right.” He was smiling, he grabbed my waist and lead me away from the door and upstairs. To my room.

“Why are we up here?” I asked, that was a stupid question.. I mean, its Riley, we both knew why we were up here. He didn’t say anything, he just kissed me... It felt good. I forgot all about Kellan and Faye and just went with Riley. It’s true, he was an amazing kisser. Then something really awkward happened.. I won’t go into detail but lets just say he went a liiiittle too far. “ I can’t do this ...” I quickly pulled away..

I didn’t look back, i just rushed downstairs and hurried outside, buttoning up my shirt.. when I ran into Kellan. I don’t know why i was crying... but he gave me a sympathetic look which i wasn’t grateful for.

“hey, are you okay?” he said pulling my hands away from my face..

“Like you’d care” I muttered.

“Why wouldn’t I care?” He asked.

“Haven’t you got something better to do? Like making out with Faye?” I stared at him.

“I didn’t mean to, she pulled me onto her! It wasn’t what it looked like” He said, I rolled my eyes

“That’s what they all say. ..”

“And what about you and Riley? I thought you two had this thing?”

I looked at him, and just walked away feeling terrible. I was just rude to the boy I had a crush on since kindergarten. I turned back and looked at him, he was still looking at me, but then I got inside my car and just drove off.

*The next day*

I ignored Faye for most of the day, She's honestly convinced she has done nothing wrong. That girl can be such a idiot sometimes.

She sat behind me in English, muttering curseful words about me to Eve, who agreed with every word that came out of Faye's mouth like the little sheep she is.

Then there was Kellan, who was walking on egg shells around me, making sure not to say the wrong thing. Heck, making sure not to say anything.

And Riley… well Riley acted completely different to the pair of them. He seemed to have forgotten about the bedroom incident the day before, and was; well acted as if, he was convinced we were a couple.. Or something like that. He held my hand all through lunch, actually, I was more shocked that he sat with me at lunch. Bad boy pierce does not sit with Quarter back Sparks, Justin. They hated each other, all over some girl.. Who’s name I cant actually remember.

Justin was dating this girl, they had been on and of for a few months when Riley decided he wanted her. She was all but too willing to get with him, Breaking my poor brothers heart in the mean time..In the end she left them both for some guy across town, typical, right?

I know I should properly hate Riley for hurting my brother or something, but Justin can fight his own battles, I may be his cheerleader on the football pitch, but I’m totally not when it comes to his own personal rivalries.

Anyway, Riley has been all loved up with me today, and to be honest, I’m not totally sure I’m comfortable with it. Im not to sure I actually like him like that.. Yet.


I walked into chemistry, taking my seat next to Adam, who clearly did not look happy at all. He was scowling at me as I came in. Then I remembered, at the party he caught me making out with Riley. Oh right. Yeah, he sure as sweet sugar didn’t like that.

“Hey Adam…” I said awkwardly, breaking the silence.

“Hi,” He said flatly, not even bothering to look at me.

“So, Anything.. Interesting going on?” I asked, shaking my own head at my lame question.

“Nothing you would be interested in.” He said, blocking me out and ending the conversation as the teacher walked into the room. I frowned, but decided not to push it anymore.


The lesson was pretty awkward after that, Adam ignored me for the whole period and im pretty sure he was glaring at me from the corner of his eyes..

The next lesson was music… my favourite, of course.

I’m kind of in a band, Back to forever, the band consisted of me, Avery; A girl with died red hair, a totally awesome fashion taste and a great sense of humour, Nate; A guy with amazing hair, great fashion sense, and has the ability to make many girls swoon, Luce; One of my best friends in the world, she’s a petite blond with a bubbly personality, and is currently in Hawaii on vacation. And last, but certainly not least Ashton; My ex boyfriend…

As I walked into the music room I was greeted by Avery’s amazing guitar playing, she was practicing her solo for out cover of Iris- Goo Goo Dolls. Avery’s is our lead guitarist, Nate our bass, Luce at the keyboard and Ashton plays the drums.. I’m the lead singer, obviously.

“Sharna!” Nate shouted before picking me up and swinging me around in a tight embrace.

“Cant.. Breath..” I squeaked, not containing my wide smile.. I haven’t seen the guys in over 3 weeks, with the holidays and all, Everyone was away on vacay.

“Oh, right. Sorry.” Nate grinned, flipping his hair out of his eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak when the door opened.

“Hey, babe.” I heard a familiar voice say.


First upload in over a month, sorry!

Ive been so busy with exams and revison.. it was all pretty hectic!

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