1. Hate the way you smile

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A/N So this is the first chapter. I thought the song fitted. :) Comment, Vote, Share if you think it's worthy.

Lily POV

I was in the common room, writing my History of Magic essay, when James, Sirius and Peter burst in through the portrait. They have had quidditch training I guess, since they were soaking wet from the pouring rain outside. James and Sirius are in the quidditch team. Peter usually comes to watch because he is their number one admirer.

"Oi Evans, wanna go out with me?" James asks me.

I look over at James. He looks hot with his hair wet and messy. Oh no Lily you did not think that. I don't like him in any way. Or maybe I do, but either way he will not get the satisfaction of getting another girl; me. 

"No, I'd rather go out with the giant squid." I say and look up at him with faked loathing.

"Oh but you do enjoy my presense" he smirks and winks at me.

I blush, not because I do enjoy it, or at least that's what I tell myself.

"Shut up James" I say. Oh god Lily stop blushing.

"First name basis are we?" he says and smiles. So arrogant. But my heart just melts when he smiles at me like that. Even though I know he only tries to annoy me, I think he looked like was genuinely happy.

"Obviusly" I say trying to sound annoyed.

"Are you mad about what I did to Snivellus?" he says. This is one thing I honestly hate about James. What is the thing with bullying?

"You think it makes you so cool and popular to bully others. But you know what it makes you? A horrible person. You may get all the other girls, Potter, but you will never get me!"

I say. Maybe I went a bit too far, I think, when I see his sad face.  "And can you please stop calling him Snivellus?". With that he seems to regain his senses

"He did deserve it. He is a ugly git. There's a reason for that nickname you know; he snivels."

He is so annoying. I shoot him an angry glare then I walk out of the common room. I will go to the library and study with Sev instead of studying here.

"Ey Evans Where are you going?" he asks after me.

"None of your business" I snap and go out of the portrait hole.

Sev is already there, reading a book. Probably about dark arts. That was one thing I didn't really like about him. He seemed to like Dark arts, more than Defense against Dark arts. Maybe it's because of his half death eater friends. I sigh. Severus is my best friend and he seems to be making all the wrong choices. I can't let him. I have so much to thank him for, he showed the wizarding world to me. I care about him. I put my thoughts aside and I walk up to Sev.

"Hey Sev" I say.

He looks up at me. Always that little smile that tells he's so happy to see me. I however don't smile back since I'm still a little mad at James.

"What is it Lily? Did Potter hit on you again?" he asks. He pronounces Potter with a big amount of loathing, hate and disgust in it.

I blush. Why do I keep blushing? Stop it Lily.

"He obviusly fancies you." he says. He is eagerly waiting for my reaction.

I feel my heart skip a beat. Maybe James actually likes me, and cares about me. Maybe he actually fancies me.

Does it matter,  Lily? I ask myself. I decide it doesn't.

"But you don't like him, do you?" he asks me a bit worried now.

Snape hates James with his whole heart because James always bullies him. I hate him too. I guess.

"No, of course not, he's a stuck- up idiot. "

He looks very calm now. And he smiles up at me.

"Should we start with Aritmancy?" Sev asks.

"Sounds good" I say.

Severus POV

I look down at my watch. Oh shit,  I am supposed to meet Avery and Mulciber in the Room of Requirement in 5 minutes.

I look over at Lily, she is deeply concentrated in her Aritmancy essay.

"Ehh...Lily I have to go now"

"Okay. Why? "

I try to come up with some excuse, anything but the thruth.  She hates Avery and Mulciber and thinks that they have a bad influence on me. However, before I was able to say something, she figured it out.

"It's Avery and Mulciber, isn't it?"

I couldn't lie to those beautiful, innocent green eyes.

"Yes, I have to meet them in five minutes."

"And what exactly are you planning to do?" she asks with her eyebrows raised.

"Err...talk" I say. That is a thruth, just not the whole thruth. Seeing her expression I feel a urge to just keep being here with her.

But I can't. Not tonight. We are planning something very important. "Look Lily, I know you don't like them, but I swear they aren't planning something evil." I'm not sure about that, but what can I do, I don't want to lose her.

Her deeply concerned expression drops. "Okay I trust you Sev" she says and I ammediatly feel a pang of guilt. "I just don't want you to get inwolved with something bad with those half-death eaters." Oh, if she only knew.

"Bye Lily, see you tomorrow!"

"Bye Sev, we have Potions first lesson, Gryffindors and Slytherins together so we'll meet"

I start walking to the dungeons with a voice a little voice saying things like "You don't have to be the bad guy, go back and tell Lily the thruth. Stop being with Avery and Mulciber.". But I ignore the voice, Lily would never understand, and then I'd lose her.

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