And it begins

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We all split up except for Aavah and I. We are going in for the team effort. Woah cool! Aavah found a hidden box with 2 daggers in it! I told her she can keep them both. I'm better with my hands. Our first victim. I'm not good with names but I push him on the floor, punch him in the gut(to paralyze him) and he can't move. I sit on him just in case I need to paralyze him again. Aavah has the dagger and asks
"Should we go for quick and painless, or slow and deadly😈"
I think we should go for quick and painless. What do u think? I look at the person and he doesn't move. Ok let's do it.

A few minutes later
Aavah is cleaning off her dagger with a napkin that was in the case and says
"Who's our next victim?"
I think it should be...
"Where is everyone?" Aavah asks annoyingly
I don't know maybe in that big group surrounding... oh no.
I whisper softly, Gaara I will save u!
Aavah says "what?"
I'll be right back come if u want!
"Ok I'm coming!"
I am running 5 miles per hour and it's just a jog... I did the speed jitsu because it has to be Gaara.

Gaara X Me (Pugs)Where stories live. Discover now