4. Guest Appearence

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(Jack's P.o.V)

While (Y/N) was in the other room, playing with some old toys I found, I decided to record a video of Happy Wheels (very original Author-Chan). So I get everything set up and I start the recording.

"WOOPSH! Top of the morning to ya laddies, my name is JackSepticEye and we are back with....HAPPY WHEEELS!" I say, well, shout and I start the first level.

~Mini Time Skip Brought To You By Author-Chan~

I'm already raging in the second level and I'm almost at the end, but then I die.

"F*CK YOU WITH A HARPOON UP THE ARSE!" I yell, falling back in my chair. I sigh and hear the door open, turning and seeing Y/N in the room.

"Jack, are you okay?" They asked, tilting their head. I smile and gesture him/her over. They walk over, and I pick them up, setting them on my lap.

"Wanna play a little game?" I ask, completely forgetting I'm recording. Y/N gasps and nods, moving their hands to the keyboard and starting to play. I watch, smiling and laughing when they get frustrated or confused.

Once I saw it was time to cut off, I look into the camera and did my outro, while Y/N waved bye to the camera. I set them down and they run to the room, going back to playing with the toys. I sigh and edit the video.

I get to the part when Y/N comes in and I start to debate. Should I keep it in and have everyone ask who it is or edit that part out? It took my a few moments and I leave it in. I click upload and I get up, walking to the other room.

I open the door to see Y/N has fallen asleep hugging tiny Sam. I smile and walk over to the bed, pulling the sheets up and giving them a kiss on the forehead.

"Night Y/N." I whisper, before turning off the light and going back into my room.

REEEEEE! THIS IS THE CUTEST SHIT I'VE EVER WRITTEN HELP IMMA DIE! Anyways! Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share! Check out my Bio to see when everything will be updated ;3 Bai!~

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