Chapter 59~

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btw I just saw a TØP post on Instagram and literally every comment was |-/ we are like a cult


Jeremy woke up and immediately didn't feel good. His stomach was tied in knots, and a bubbling sensation clogged his throat, as if he were to throw up at any given moment. He got up and waddled to the bathroom, his coordination being slightly off. He leaned over the toilet and felt his throw grow with heat as he vomited heavily. He was almost choking on the fluids coming out. He panted, his eyes watering from the experience.

"Jere?" Mike called, noticing his husband wasn't there when he's woke up.

"I-In here.." Jeremy croaked. Mike rushed to the bathroom, seeing Jeremy kneeling by the toilet, his face pale and drool dribbling down his chin.

"Are you okay, baby? God, you look awful." Mike hugged Jeremy tightly.

"I-I just woke up and f-felt sick. So I-I-I came in here and threw up." Jeremy told.

"Aw." Mike whined. "Let me go get you some water to get that taste out of your mouth." Mike stood up and got Jeremy a glass of water, along with a rag and a thermometer. Jeremy thanked Mike quietly before gurgling the water, spitting it into the toilet with the rest of his vomit. Mike then dabbed the rag across his mouth, smiling a bit.

"Open." Mike instructed. Jeremy knew what he meant as he opened his mouth. Mike place the thermometer under his tongue and grabbed his hands.

"Go lay down. Keep that under your tongue until I get back, okay?" Mike gently said. Jeremy nodded and walked back to the room dizzily. He laid on the bed and sighed. He hated being sick, especially throwing up. When Mike came into the room, he sat on the bed next to Jeremy, feeling his neck.

"You're sweating, babyboy." Mike softly rubbed circles upon Jeremy's neck.

"I-I'm cold." Jeremy frowned.

"Let me take a look at this." Mike took the thermometer out and looked at the digits. 105.4°F. That was way over natural body temperature.

"You're really sick, Jere." Mike sighed.

"I feel like shit." Jeremy spoke through his raspy voice, "Give me health or give me death."

"You'll get better soon, Jere. Tell me exactly what you're feeling." Mike rubbed circles on Jeremy's sides.

"I-I still feel like throwing up, my head hurts, I'm tired, cold, and sweaty, my voice is half gone, and I want to die in this state." Jeremy listed.

"I'm sure." Mike chuckled. "Get some rest, I'll wake you up later, okay?" Jeremy nodded and pulled the blankets over him.

"It might be better for you to use sheets, so you don't die of a heat stroke in your sleep." Mike smiled, grabbing a sheet from the closet and handing it to Jeremy, pulling the blanket off the bed.

"Thanks, Mike." Jeremy smiled weakly.

"You're welcome, baby. Now go to sleep. I love you." Mike smiled sweetly before leaving the room, closing the door and throwing the blanket on the couch. He tried to keep his mind off of Jeremy, but he was worried. What could've made him so sick? What did he even have? He hoped it would pass in a few days, however.


Mike jumped up from the couch to get to Jeremy as quickly as possible. "What's wrong?"

"C-Can you get me an Advil?" Jeremy asked.

"Of course, are you hungry?" Mike replied, to which Jeremy nodded. Mike sighed and walked out of the room, going to the kitchen to get Jeremy his pill and a glass of water. He prepared a bowl of soup for his husband, knowing it would help a little bit. He balanced the items in his arms before going back to the room, setting it all down carefully on the bed.

"T-Thanks, Mike." Jeremy smiled weakly.

"Anything for you." Mike smiled and ruffled his hair. "Feel any better?"

"W-Well I don't feel like throwing up anymore." Jeremy told.

"That's good. I hope this all blows over.." Mike sighed.

"Me too.. I-I hate being sick." Jeremy agreed.

"I'll take care of you no matter what though, okay?" Mike gently rubbed Jeremy's thigh, to which Jeremy slightly giggled.

"Okay." Jeremy smiled.

"I love you so much Jeremy." Mike smiled.

"I love you too, Mike." Jeremy replied.

Jeremy's sickness only lasted for a few days before he got better, luckily for Mike. Every little noise Jeremy had made caused Mike to go into panic mode. So after three days of torture, he finally relaxed a bit.



rip @ me

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