Chapter 44~

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I have a hangover from yesterday but it's lit

also you know those tumblr outfit things??? well I made one for jeremys outfit for last chapter

also you know those tumblr outfit things??? well I made one for jeremys outfit for last chapter

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what a weeb



Arriving at the dorm, Jeremy was the first out of the car.

"Close your eyes." Jeremy instructed.

"Why?" Mike questioned.

"Close them!" Jeremy chuckled. Mike rolled his eyes and did as told. After leading the older male to the door, Jeremy told him to stay put as he got a couple of things ready. In less than seconds, Jeremy was at the doorway, smiling and leading Mike into the room.

"Open." Jeremy told his husband. Mike opened his eyes and examined the room. Large Pokemon plushies laid across the room, Christmas lights hanging from the walls and dimly illuminating the room. Mike smiled a bit and entered the room.

"Do you like it?" Jeremy asked.

"I love it." Mike hugged Jeremy tightly, shoving his face into Jeremy's soft locks.

"Come on, I got you something." Jeremy held his hands as he pulled out of the embrace. Sugar cookies, and a plate of cake laid on Jeremy's bed next to a pink orchid flower and a note that said "For Mikey❤️".

"I know things are hard at work.." Jeremy said softly. "But maybe you could just try to eat away your problems like I do!" Jeremy beamed. Mike couldn't help but smile at the younger males excited face.

"I'll see what I can do." Mike leaned down to kiss Jeremy, his fingers resting under his chin. Jeremy stood on the tips of his toes and laced his arms around his husbands neck, smiling into the seal. Mike chuckled into the kiss before pulling away and sitting on Jeremy's bed, pulling the brunette into his lap in the process.

"I love you, Jeremy." Mike cooed softly.

"I love you, too." Jeremy giggled. "Now, I got this all for you, so if you want to take anything home it's fine."

"I don't know if I can finish all the food by myself.. I might need some help.." Mike hinted.

"I'm at your service." Jeremy laughed. 

Although the purpose of coming to Jeremy's dorm was to relax Mike, but somehow the topic of their future came up. It wasn't completely stressful, and if anything it kind of soothed Mike knowing that Jeremy was positive about having a future with him, but something about it scared him. What if they got into another fight like the one about Doll? What if one of them died? These thoughts were small problems in Mike's mind, but gave him slight tension.

"And Mike.. I-I think I need to be completely honest with you, now.." Jeremy sighed and blushed.

"W-What is it? Is it something bad?" Mike asked, all confidence he previously had going down the drain in seconds.

"No! It's just.. I kind of, well, really want to start a family with you.." Jeremy whispered. "But it's totally fine if you don't, I mean I can understand why you wouldn't. We're both guys, and your job has so many scenarios that would cause you to stay at work longer. Taking care of kids would be a hassle, right? Sorry, it was a stupid topic.." Jeremy blushed and bit his lip, looking away to avoid the awkward eye contact.

"Jeremy.." Mike slightly dragged out his husband's name. "You really want to have kids with me?" He suddenly smiled, his face a bright red too.

"Yeah.. But I know you probably don't want to so it's fine--"

"I think it's a wonderful idea." Mike gently responded.

"R-R-Really?" Jeremy smiled a bit.

"Really. But maybe we can wait until you're out of college?" Mike grinned. Jeremy hugged him and shoved his face into the crook of Mike's neck.

"I can't wait." Jeremy's voice came out muffled against Mike's neck. Mike sighed contently, completely forgetting about his current lawsuit situation.



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