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I trudge behind Katie on the way to school listening to her talk about some crazy dream she had last night about some unicorns and other shit like that I can't help but feel jealous, her life's good, she has two good parents the a big yet cosy house, a cute little brother, she is unimaginably pretty and is great at everything she does. then theres me, my mum never talks to me, I don't know who my dad is a barely have a house and well im not pretty at all, oh, and i go and get myself pregnant...

"did you do the homework?" Katie asks snapping me back into reality, shit i thik internally as i give her an expression to match my inward monologue.
"You can copy mine," she sighs I hug her "thank you so much," I breath
" you gotta start doing the homework this year is important," she lectures I nod
"I know I just had a lot on my mind, " i say.
"Like what?" She asks handing me her book.
"Nothing really," I lie sitting down and start copying up the Homework. She looks confused but doesn't question further.
I'm still scribbling down Katie's homework when the teacher walks in well that's just  great
"Miss green, Homework is to be done at home not class, detention!" Mr Myers bellows in my face usually I would just laugh or say something funny or stupid but today I just couldn't bring myself to do it and tears started to roll down my face, my face flushed as everyone stared at me in shock, never had they seen bad ass Lucy green cry let alone cry over something as stupid as detention, if they new the real reason I was crying it would shock them even more

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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