The Index (Gods/Creatures)

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Gods/Goddesses (there are 10 gods/goddesses)

All gods and goddesses will be seen throughout the novel not just in the prologue.

Anima: She is the Goddesses of Life, she is one of the two original beings that created everything. Strongest being of all, but hates to hurt anyone.

Death: The second being out of the originals. Has no other name but Death. Sleeps every 100 or so years for 150 years. But when he is up and about, worse things happen in the world.

Lucifer: Lord of Betrayal and henchmen to Death. Evil and deceitful just like his master.

Artemis: Greek Goddess of the hunt and the moon. In my story she is just the goddess of the Hunt and gets along well with Daminka and Mixcoatl.

Poseidon: Greek God of the oceans. In my story he is basically like the original Greek god. I didn't want to change much because Poseidon is my favorite god out of Greek mythology.

Aphrodite: The Greek Goddess of Beauty. Of course I decided to make her a stuck-up. She has a minor role.

Anahit: An Armenian Goddess of Beauty. Her and Aphrodite are amigas obviously. Both only have minor roles and to me the weakest of the Gods. Then again beauty can do a lot to trick people into helping (hint* hint*).

Mixcoatl: An Aztec God of War. He is friends with Artemis, has a short temper and likes fighting. Obviously. :)

Fortuna: Roman Goddess of fortune. Enough said.

Daminka: A Babylonian God of the Sky. A powerful god who plays a more important role to the heros later on.

There will be more Gods I haven't mentioned or created yet so this blank space shall be for them.

Oh and Caelum is basically Latin for heaven. :D

Mythical/Supernatural Creatures (Rouge creatures as well as good)

Oh also there will be humans in my story but they know about all the crazy creatures that live with them and they are scared of them. Though a few do try to fight back ever now and then though they don't do much.

Behemoth: A creation that soon went rogue after the Gods created it. An earth creature, found in Jewish writing, a beast of lust and greed. Has crazy sharp claws and teeth and very dangerous.

Phoenix: Free-spirited as fire, they don't listen to the Council and therefor hunted down. Takes a pure heart to control the Phoenix. From Egyptian mythology.

Minotaur: A creature that is both bull and man, but I am going to change up its appearance a bit. This monster became rogue as well. 

Centaur: Half man half horse, they are strong and fierce warriors created like all by the Gods. They never go rogue, but talk against the council. Therefor countless of there kind are slaughtered. Greek mythology 

Dragon: These creatures became independent and in the council's eyes rouge. They are powerful and no one knows how many dragons are survived still.

Unicorns: Made by the Gods as a way to transport soldiers, fast running creatures that are far more intelligent than most horses. Prevalent.

Cyclops: Another rogue creature. They have one eye, a bad temper, and hate the Council.

Griffons: Half eagle half lion. Strong and dangerous on both the sky and the ground. Rode on by the Pure forces. Greek.

Chimera: Another type of mythical creature from Greek. Spits fire, made of a goat, snake, and lion. Rouge creature.

Ok I am getting tired of explaining all of the creatures that will feature at least some part of my story so I am just going to list down the rest of the creatures. If you are interested in what they are and more about them just post a question.

Sirens: Greek mythology.

Sphinx: Greek mythology. 

Matagot: French- brings good luck.

Succubus: A type of demon thingy (origin?)

Imps/Goblins/Troll: European 

Undine: Water spirit

Pixie: English

Dhamphirs: Gypsy 

Mermaids: Prevalent

Skin-Walkers: Native American

Werewolf: Prevalent

Vampire: Prevalent

Strigori: Romanian

Okay for now I am calling it quits on the Index. I will, while writing my story decide on all the mythical and supernatural creatures I want in the book. Once I do I will add on to the index. Sorry. If you guys have any questions on origins of the creatures or want to know more about them just post a question up. :D ^-^

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