Games and Random Stuff

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Hey guys Ash here and I am gonna use this change to talk about the Pokemon Games, Sun and Moon and some stories that I read recently.
Alright, so jumping to the latter first, I read a couple of books which are in the beginning phase or the middle, and are pretty good. I'm gonna tag the authors here and you guys should DEFINITELY go give these people a follow and read their books.
Here they are:
I hope I have added your books to my reading list for reference. If not, do let me know. Please update soon.

Now coming to the Pokemon Games. Nintendo and Game freak are pretty awesome. Everyone is so hyped about the Sun and Moon game coming out, but to be honest, I am one person who is not. The fact being that I haven't played the games and I got introduced to the franchise by the anime.
Yeah I do not own a NDS or a 3DS. Though I did play the Fire Red on an emulator once. But anyway, yeah some people even made stories about it.
I'm more excited about the anime. You see, Pokemon is not very encouraged where I live. Well no anime is encouraged. But I watch it everyday anyway.
I have no idea when it comes on TV so I just watch the episodes online. I got disconnected from it for a while a year and a half back. I got to know about Pokemom X and Y by reading a book by Typovo to be honest.
Thanks Typovo   That book is no longer there, but yeah. Then I got to know the new series came out and started watching it. Finally I finished with Episode 16 of XY&Z. There aren't a lot of episodes so I will catch up soon. I just hope the next anime turns out to be just as awesome.

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