Part 2. The Asylum. :::Raiden's Awakening::: }}

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{{ Part 2. The Asylum. :::Raiden's Awakening::: }} The camera recorded her every move, watching her 24/7. Everything thing she did, every step she takes, every breath that escapes her lips, it was being watched. She walked over to the door, still holding onto the wall. The camera moved, and so the man behind it spoke. "Where do you think you're going miss Ray?" She smirked and replied, "Out. Ive been here for too long, Wester. Ive asked years ago to leave, and you never let me. So now I'm forcing my way out." She felt the door. Metal. Alarm. It'll go off if she opened it. The man behind the camera named Wester, spoke once again. "Leaving so soon? Why? After all we've done for you--" He was then cut off by Raiden."After all you've done for me? What? The hell have you done for me for 18 years? Toy haven't done shit, except feed me twice a month, and do experiments and tests on me. Your statement is false. I'm done with your bullshit Wester." She took a step toward the door until a sharp pain occurred in her head. "A-ah..!!" She took deep breaths and sunk to the floor on her knees, holding her head. Her mind was racing with the thoughts of her past. Wester smiled behind the camera. "You poor little girl, still have that dream of thinking you can do anything you want.. but look where you are. Trapped in a room in an asylum. Where people can watch over you. You're /worthless/ Raiden. Just accept the fact that you're abnormal, and will never get /your/ revenge. Like you've always wanted to. Rage and power isn't the answer. But go on ahead and try to gain it. Just know that you wont win." The pain in her head suddenly stopped, and she stood up, laughing. She looked up at the camera, flipped it the middle finger and smirked. "Just watch me, /bitch./" She stared at the camera and it cracked. The signal then lost tracking of her movements. Raiden turned to the door and pulled it off its hinges. She walked out the room. "Get ready to feel the wrath of an outcast..~" :::End of Part 2. :::Raiden's Awakening:::

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