He Knows what it's like.

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I tried not to think about Chris... but it was hard. Either Teddy would talk about him or something would be said about him in the papers, or you'd hear about him on the radio. God, it bothered me so much. But there was nothing I could do. The newscasters would get more and more information... and although Eyeball was gonna get him out, I was worried that the county was gonna put him back in.

The day before Chris got out, I saw Gordie. I saw him at the park while taking a walk. He had no idea that I had told Chris. "How you doin', Em?" He asked. "I'm doing alright... I could be better I guess, but alright." "I was wondering if you and I could... y'know, maybe go out again." He said very shyly. I sighed. "Gordie... we need to talk." "Oh no." He said. "I... I told Chris about the kiss. He's mad at me, a-and I think we're broken up." I said and looked down. "But you had said not to worry about it and-" "I know what I said, Gordie. And I'm sorry." I began to walk away. "Well since you're broken up can't we... you know...?" He looked kinda hopeful. "I can't do that to Chris. Even if we're broken up. I can't do that to him or myself right now. I'm sorry." I tried walking away again.

"You know what, Emily? Fine. Get my hopes up and then crush them into a million pieces. But don't come crying to me the next time something bad happens." He said and walked away. "Gordie!" I yelled. "What!?" He turned around, sounding aggravated. "Please try and understand. You don't know what it's like. Your brother didn't go missing for week and-" "I don't know what it's like? You really think... that I don't know what it's like?" He walked back over to me and stood not even an inch away.

"My brother didn't come home one night. I didn't think anything of it for a until I woke up the next day with reporters all over the living room telling me that he was dead." I tried to walk away once more but he grabbed my wrist tightly. "So don't you even think, for one fucking second that I don't know what it's like. You got your brother back. Feel lucky." He said and walked away.

I didn't know what I was thinking when I said what I did. Because he definitely knows what it's like. I knew that Gordie lost his brother. So why did I say that?

I went home and plopped on the couch next to Teddy. "What's happening in the outside world?" He asked. "Ahhh, nothing you wanna know." I laughed. Teddy scoffed. "God, it's that bad?" He asked. "Sorta. Hopefully it'll blow over, but I'm not sure, man." I looked down.

"What is it?" He asked. "You've gotta swear you won't tell anyone, Teddy. Chris already knows, and he's pissed about it." "Okay, okay. I swear. Tell me." He turned towards me. "Gordie and I kissed." I said. "You're kidding, right?" He laughed. "No." I laughed a bit with him. "What the hell?" He was laughing so hard. "Okay, now you're just making fun of me. It's not funny, Teddy!" I tried to keep a straight face, but it didn't work. I was laughing as much as him.

"Okay, how did that happen?" He asked once he finally calmed down. "He took me out to dinner and then we just kissed afterwords... I told Chris about it when I went to visit him and last and he's pretty mad. Gordie's mad that I won't just be with him. Even if Chris and I don't stay together, I just can't do that, ya know?" I sighed.

After a while, Teddy finally started going more places, and seeing more people. Sometimes I felt like I couldn't talk to him about certain things anymore. I thought that this whole thing had brought us closer, but in some ways maybe it didn't.

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