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Chapter Nine
,,We are bitter and sweet
And falling in too deep."



When I wake up,I sense a marvelous smell of fresh food and I sniff it in,streching and relaxing every tensed muscle that I have. Slowly,I put my feet on the ground and follow the trace of smell and when I arrive in the kitchen,I see something I never thought I would. Killian cooking.

"Good morning,sleepy head." He says,putting a plate of food on the tabletop. I narrow my eyes and look at him.

"That's my line." I say,trying to be grumpy but failing miserably at the sight of the delicious looking pancakes with forest fruits and fudge. Starving,I throw myself on the chair and start eating,finishing my plate in a matter of seconds.

"Wow,you finished it already?" Killian says,smiling and I nod,with my mouth stuffed. He didn't even get the chance to sit at the table and I was already done."Want more?" He asks and I nod without even thinking and we both start eating,me my second plate. When we finish our plates,I collapse on the couch with my hands on my belly. Killian comes next to me and I decide to get some books and start studying before I have classes. Then,he gets his guitar and plays it a while until he gets bored and throws it in a corner.

"What are you doing?" He asks,turning to me and I frown. I just raise the book for him to see and turn my head in its direction.

"Studying." I say,narrowing my eyes at him. He rolls his eyes and sighs.

"I know that,silly. I mean,what are you studying?" He asks and I close the book,for him to see. "Advance Maths. Are you good at Maths?" He asks,knowing that my major is English.

"Not really. I mean,I'm good,but not that good." I say,sighing and left the book on my lap.

"Well,your luck is that your room mate is a genius at Maths." He says and my jaw fells,frowning at him.

"What? Or do I have a room mate I am not aware of? " A moment of silence. "You? At Maths? Are you serious?" I say,surprised and stuttering the words in a high voice.

"I'm bloody serious,Emma." He says and I look back at him. He cooks and is good at Maths. Man,I knew nothing about this man. "I can tutor you if you want." He says,wiggling his brows at me.

"Killian,I swear,if this is a joke,I'll..." But he takes the book and looks around before saying.

"Square 5,20." He simply says,handing me the book and I look to my notebook and understand he was right.

"God." I mumble and he laughs.

"You know,don't tell that to anyone. Maths doesn't work with my playboy title." He says and I roll my eyes,tossing the book on my side and going to the bathroom,to prepare for classes. When I get outside,Killian is ready,with his winter coat on and a beanie. I take mine and arrange it on my head,before taking my winter coat and we leave,closing the door behind us.

"Swan,meet me in the library, at 5pm." He adds,before going away. And I understand why. He'll tutor me. I hope when he does that,he'll be on his good side. Sometimes,the other Killian freaks me out.

When I get to my locker,I realise these days,everything was quite normal. No headaches,no creepy dreams or whispers,everything was really quiet. I look around for my friends before getting my books and going to my first class. Nothing important happens,I see some Robin & Regina, Red & Whale and Mary Margaret & David action and I feel a little jealous. They're having fun and love and I am outside,watching their happiness. It makes me feel lonely,like I've felt all my life,but I know that I am having the most amazing friends I could ask for. Mary Margaret,Regina and Ruby are like my family and their happiness makes me happy too.

After classes,at exactly 4.59 pm,I enter in the library and I see Killian sitting with some books and notebooks all over the place,trying to look uninterested,but he knew it was a waste of time. Nobody was in the library at that time.

"Hey,Swan,you came." He says,his face lighting up at the sight of me. I put my hair up in a ponytail  and take a sit in front of him,letting the books in my hands fall on the table with a loud sound.

"You're so lucky that no one is here. The librarian would have probably shushed you by now." He laughs and I bite my lip,not certain how to reply.

"Come on,what lesson are you at? Can you give me that?" He asks,concentrated as he moved his lips,trying to figure it out. "This is it?" He asks,pointing with his index finger on a page and I nod,looking back at him. "You're right, this is one of the hard ones,but I know it perfectly." I still couldn't believe that Killian Jones was there,teaching me Advanced Maths like he was the biggest nerd in school. I had to admit,the man was gifted,his skills in Maths letting me down and surprising me even more. If he wanted,he could be quite a genius,but he didn't care about it. A gift he didn't cherish so much. His teaching skills were afwul,but at least he tried. Patience wasn't his talent though.

"Ok,Swan,enough for today." He says,rubbing his temples with his thumbs. I yawn and he stares back at me,knowing how exhausted I must be."When are you having your exam?" He asks,because he knew the mid-finals were coming up soon.

"Next Thursday." I simply say,shoving the books in my hands and leaving the library with him,while my ponytail swings around freely.

"Good,we'll have enough time." He says,as he gets to the elevator and presses our dorm's floor number.

"I'm sleepy." I say,and Killian laughs,slamming the door behind us.

Killian is good at Advanced Maths. Who knew? Well, I love when I'm being unpredictable. I'd love to have a Killian teaching me Maths,we all do,right?

I wanted to ask you something. Can you tell other people about my story too?  Maybe that way,more of you will read this and may like it. I thank you again for all the votes and comments you always leave on my chapter,they make me very happy. I am so sorry for mispells,or any non-sense sentences. It's really late when I write this and my mind is not fully working.

Love and God bless,

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