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Chapter Thirteen
"Merry Christmas,love."



Emma says her goodbyes as she leaves and I decide it's my time to go too. I take the phone from my pocket and text the boys that I'm heading home. I take the quite small light  handbag I prepared, go to my car and place it in the backseat. I open the door and hop on the driver seat,I turn the music as Metallica is heard and I hum the lyrics while waiting for the green light. Soon,the car's screen lights and I see someone is contacting me. I press the button and my father's voice pops out,surprising me.

"Killian,son?" He says and I sigh,shaking my head to my side and combing my hair back with my fingers.

"Papa?" I ask and I hear him sigh on the other line. It's not good,something happened.

"Your mother and I leave on a business trip and we'll miss Christmas. I'm so sorry." He says and I roll my eyes,annoyed as I pat my fingers on the wheel.

"What about Liam?" I ask him and I hear the sadness in his voice.

"He has other plans. Ask him yourself,maybe you'll spend Christmas together." He simply says and hangs up soon.

"Great." I mumble as the light turns green and I turn to Liam's apartment.

"Brother." He says when he opens the door and hugs me manly. "What brings you here?" I enter in the house and place myself on the couch,rubbing the back of my neck. "Let me guess,our parents dropped on you." I nod,sighing.

"Aye,they did , as always." I say,putting my legs on the coffee table and crossing them,not before placing my crossed hands on the back of my neck so that they could sustain my head.

"What were you expecting? They'll never get to their senses. Bussiness above all." Liam says,mouthing dad's immortal words and I chuckle shortly as I watch the TV show my brother was watching when I entered. "So,you'll be spending Christmas with me?" He wiggles his brows and I laugh shortly,frowning.

"Yeah,I think so. Dad said you had plans. What exactly are they?" I say,but I know what my brother would say. It's the same every year like at every rich guy ditched by his parents.

"Clubbing. Wanna go with me? Find a hot chick and get laid. You love these things." He chuckles and I groan. Somehow,I hear Emma's voice in my head . How dare you? It's a holy day . But I shake it off and think about Liam's offer.

"Nah,man,not this year." I say and he looks shocked at me,jaw fallen.

"The Killian Jones just said no to clubbing and hot chicks? What has gotten into you,man? Where's the playboy I used to know?" He asks surprised,frowning.

"On vacation. Not coming back too soon." I say and he pursed his lips,looking knowingly back at me.

"Is this about a girl?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "I thought I'll never ask you this,but apparently the time came." He takes place next to me and I play with my tongue,drawing circles on the insides of my cheeks.

"I don't think so. I don't feel like clubbing this year." I simply say,looking back at Liam honestly.

"Killian,if you'll tell me you got all so faithful,holy things suddenly,I won't believe you." He says and I chuckle,really amused at his remark.

"Hey,I changed. But not that hard." I say,as the girl on the screen confesses her love to one man. "Liam,never thought you were the soap opera type of guy." I say and he fastly takes the TV remote,the image fastly fading black.

"There are so many things you don't know about me,brother. So,what for Christmas? It's Christmas Eve,we don't have quite enough time to plan." He says and I think about it for a matter of seconds.


"Regina,I can't believe you didn't tell me about this before." I groan,rolling my eyes as my hand rests on my forehead dramatically.

"Thought you knew since you were her childhood friend." She adds,but Mary Margaret gets between us before we start fighting.

"Ok,girls. We can go to the store and buy something. It's not like the end of the world. Ruby isn't that of a drama queen." But both me and Regina look sarcastically over at her,nodding ironically. "Hey,you had to know. You were her friend for way longer than we were." She says,trying to pay back and Regina laughs,high-five-ing with Mary. I roll my eyes as we walk down the street.

The cold air hits my thin skin and I tuck harder on my coat,trying desperately to warm up. But the road to the store is suprisingly short and we take a place to the unendable row.

"Thanks,Emma." Regina says dramatically and I roll my eyes,tucking my hands on my pockets,while rolling on my feet,unpatient.


"Come on,pal. You and your brilliant ideas." Liam turned around when he saw the biggest unimaginable row in the store we just entered.

"Liam,it's Christmas. Get into the spirit." I mumble and he groans,looking over the three lines already formed.

"Screw Christmas." He whispers,moving his feet hardly to the second line and took a place at the end of it. "Coming or not?" He yells at me and I go to his side,looking around the market.

"Remember to get me a present." I say jokingly and Liam rolls his eyes,clearly annoyed by this situation.

A few hours later

We were waiting at the line for hours and it wasn't even close to our time. I look at the watch on my wrist and I realize there is barely one hour before midnight. After another half an hour,we finally enter the store properly and look at the shelves fast,to choose what to buy and get out before the actual Christmas and because the people outside were rushing us faster. I go to the decorations shelf and look around for some globes and I look dissapointed,finding some golden ones and shoving them in my chart. I look around for Liam and I figure out he is in the present section,since he said he'll get me that present.


"Stop complaining and choose something,Ruby is probably now a bag full of gun powder next to a flame." Mary Margaret says as I look around in the present section and finally choose a red lipstick and some ribbon.

"Finally." Regina groans as she gets from her place and paces to us,looking at what I chose. "We waited for so long just for a damn lipstick?" She asked,quite nervous and Mary Margaret laughs.

"You forgot the ribbon." She adds and Regina rolls her eyes,rushing us to round the corner. With me before them,I stop before I crash into the person in front of me after a voice on a radio was heard It is officialy Christmas. Merry Christmas,everyone and may your wishes come true. I snap my head from the gift for Ruby and look at the person in front of me. Killian.

"Merry Christmas,love." He says,with a big smile on his face that makes me even more suprised. What were the chances to meet him in this crowded store at the middle of the night, on Christmas? Apparently not too low.

Guys,the hiatus starts tomorrow and I can't be more sad about it. I'll miss writing and all of you,but I have to pass these exams and then I have the entire summer just to do what I want. And I got honors,how cool is that? I worked hard for it and it finally came true. Something else? Oh,right,I got myself a kitten. Her name is Olivia,but I usually call her Livvy.

See you later,and have a wonderful time until I come back. I warn you,the chapter is unedited,and I don't know when I'll have time to edit it,and I don't know if I'll respond soon to your comments,so...

Love and God bless,

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