Skip through birthdays

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Hiii we'll I'm gonna skip a lot but yeah I'm just gonna speed up everything and yeah...
Brothiees third birthday:
it was broos third birthday :)
He was so stupIDE (--> hehe seen what I did) he was always saying Siisiee Irma my birthday so you need to do everything I say and you know what every 2 year old kid would do....
Listen to him and do everything he tells me to do :[
And believe me it was NOT fun :(
He told me I had to clean the toilet and I fell in the toilet :'(
He told me that I needed to clean his room and I had to pass 3 hours of MY LIFE TO DO THAT?!?!?!
Well... Brother's third birthday -.-

My 2nd, 3d and 4th birthday
I'm too lazy to write everything so,...
As every birthday I've had and that is one.
Birthday celebrating, birthday cake, birthday presents and birthday song...

March 16, 2005
I didn't had any clue of what was going on but I heard yelling and stuff and guess what :( ?
Mommy and daddy are divorcing :((((((
I was so upset :/
I might am only four years old but I could understand the things and for my brother it was even worse he didn't wanted to go to school and he was not eating all day...

5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th birthday
It was strange... It was strange
It was so weird that mom and dad were divorced but luckily they were still friends :)
So when it's Ide's or mine's birthday they would come together and celebrate :D JIPPIE

10th birthday
I'm officially 10 years old
I got presents from friends and from brothie and mommy and daddy
I've thrown a party :D

11th birthday
Just as any other birthday :P

Brother's birthdays
His birthdays were his birthdays (too lazy to write)

SOO this was all of my birthdays and brother's

Mom celebrates her birthday every year on the 15th of May
Dad celebrates his birthday every year on the 2nd of February

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