Heey!!! :D
When you're standing in the eye of the hurricane!
Here comes the sun here comes the rain!! When you're standing in the eye of the hurricane!!!! :DD
Y'all might thinking: what's wrong with that extremely weird dude/chick (I don't knoooow)
I'm always tired, hehe finally I got my grades!!!!! Actually Friday last week but I was too lazy to write 😳, and guess what? My average is 96% CAN I GET A OOH OOH (OOH OOH [like oeh oeh]). But I'm nothing compared to my brother 😕😕😕😕
Sometimes it's stupid, that you're like always compared to your brother. But you know!!! I'm better in sports 😏😏
Hey and I'm also happy that I have 126 followers on Twitter
Please go follow if you haven't already :). Today, was an extremely boring day! We had classes (DUUH! what else stupid [Talking To Myself]) and then directly when I got home, I made homework. Because, we had so much!!
Yesterday I finally watched an entirely episode of SO YOU RHINK TOU CAN DANCE, most of the time, I can't watch it all. Sophie and Ricardo are out. And there's like a Danish one, he's weird! I thought Tamara and (forgot name) Miguel? where the best😏. It was so emotional when she saw her sister, cause she's from Spain and her mom died and all of her family is in Spain.
For tomorrow:
I'm going to diiiiiieeeeeee
History, Latin. Dutch, maths, geography for each one a lesson or a report that is STUPID"
VACATION! Well since I wanted this long to update, iTS almost the end of the vacation :( 😱😱😭😭😢
OMG! I'm sooooo sorry!!!!! I forgot that I had to update! But yeah this was written like 2 weeks ago :O so yeah SORRYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!
Diary of a Wimpy KID (Me)
Literatura FaktuThis story is all about ME ME ME ME :) My creation, my story, my life... #Elle xx