Just another day

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It was a beautiful day outside. Ottieer was on her way to Zach's place to once again try to make her fall for her. She knows that she has the ability to even if she has been rejected multiple of times in the past. As she hold her hands behind her back and walks proudly she sees Zach comming out of her house.
"Probably to meet up with me" Ottieer thinks.
She starts to walk faster twords Zach and relaxed her walking by letting her hands dangle on her sides.
Zach notices Ottieer aproaching her, sits down on a bench to read her book and ignore Ottieer.
"Hey Zach!" Ottieer says cheerly.
As she doesnt get a response she sits down next to Zach and puts her head on Zach's sholder.
"Is it good?"
Zach continues to ignore Ottieer while feeling a bit annoyed by her disterbance and flips to the next page.
"Dont you want to put that book down and talk to me for a bit?" Ottieer says while feeling unwanted.
Zach shakes her head slightly in response. Ottieer stands up infront of Zach and grabs her book out of her hands.
"Oh come ooon I know you want to. No one could resist being with me" Ottieer says to make herself feel a little better and to convince herself.
Zach takes back the book with force.
"Ottieer, I dont want to hang out with you. Leave me alone." Zach says with an annoyed voice tone.
Ottieer sighed and handed Zach a little box.
"Here, I thought youd like this. Oh who am I kidding youll love it, I made it after all." Ottieer says proudly.
Zach stares at Ottieer for a second and hands the little box back.
"I dont want anything from you."
Ottieer got confused to why she didnt. It is a present. Everyone loves presents. And for goodness sakes it was made by hers truly. Who in their right mind would say no.
"But It's something that I really think you'd like" Says Ottieer a little conserned.
Zach makes her way from the bench and goes inside of her house. Slaming the door in rejection.
Ottieer feels her nose getting tingly and her vision starts to blurr. She shakes her head, slaps her face slightly with both hands and slowly walks home ignoring her posture.
As she came home Marska sees that Ottieer is more down than ever before. She walks up to her and opens her arm. Ottieer, unable to hold it in hugs Marska tightly and feels a few tears escaping her eyes.
"Rejected again?" She asks.
Ottieer nods slightly, legs go of Marska and wipes her tears away.
"She cant reject me forever. I am sure that one day she will fall for me. She has to. She will..." She feels her voice becomming more unsure, as herself.
Marska looks at her, sighs and walks out the door.
"Where are you going Marska?" Ottieer asks conserned.
"Im just going to the store, Ill get you some ice-cream" Marska says.
Ottieer smiles and nods.

As Marska leaves the store she looks over to the direction of Zach's house. She ponders if she should head over there, but before she realizes it she is already standing infront of Zach's front door.
She knocks and waits a little bit until she hears a lock. Zach opens the door.
"Can you please do me a favor Zach..." Marksa says as Zach waits for the rest.
"Can you please give Ottieer a chance. You dont have to date her or anything but please atleast get to know her a little."
Zach sighs slightly
"Is it really that nessesary?" Zach asks and Marska nods slightly.
"Fine, ill see what I can...handle" she says. Marska becomes really happy and thanks Zach.

Ottieers EffortsWhere stories live. Discover now