Chapter 1

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  I grin wickedly at the hooded and cowering figure in front of me. "I didn't expect this one to be so easy! Sheesh, you boys really have no talent don't you..?" I smile as a skip closer, twirling my blue hair in one hand and my knife in the other. "You'd think being the twenty fourth kill you damned boys would learn something.." I sigh. "Well, can't win 'em all! Considering I'm going to be winning none.. You seriously expected me to follow along as your petty little soulmate?!" I let out a long breath. "You boys seriously have some learning to do.." I say, lifting his face by putting the knife under his chin.
"Time to die, my friend!~"
Blood splats against the wall in chunky Crimson as I slash his throat. Rolling my eyes, I wipe the small bloody knife on my shirt and sweater. "Aish.. So lucky to have found him wandering outside.. These boys really learn nothing!~" I giggle then walk out of the alleyway. "Stupid stupid.. Time to find my next lover boy!~"
As I walk back home, blood staining my once white shirt, I passed a family. There was a mom and a dad but the dad was definitely a remarriage.. So step dad. There was a maybe 17 year old boy, a five year old girl, and a maybe 20 year old girl. The boy was most likely the mom's kid, the girl was his older sister, and the 5 year old was a cousin.
  After they passed me I heard the boy 'whisper' to the girl, "Sis, she's got blood on her shirt. A lot of blood.. Did she..?" The sister stops his sentence.
"Ryouta, she didn't do anything. I hope.. It's probably a costume, considering all those asshats have been doing 'social experiments' with everyone in this part of town.." The boy shakes his head.
"Mom, could she have been that one girl? Y'know.. The Miku Ji-Min girl..?" The mom laughs at him. "Ryouta stop overreacting. She's just a fine young lady taking a stroll at night, what's the worst she could do?" I snicker hearing that. The worst I could do..? Hm.. Probably explode the whole city to smithereens. Nothing much, Y'know.
I grin again, cracking my knuckles. Time to go home and search up every 17 year old Ryouta Akiras in this town.. How I know their last name? Simple, his mom is walking home from work at the hospital, name tag and uniform still on. These people really are stupid, aren't they?

I glance back at that girl who passed us. She cracking her knuckles while facing away from us and it's really creepy! I look back infront of us as my little cousin continues to swing my arm around like she's some sort of crazed, caged animal. I glare forwards. "Kaia do you mind not tossing my arm around like a piece of food? Thanks."
"Sure Jan." she snickered. She may be six but she acts like a mature twelve year old. Y'know.. Sixth graders who act like highschoolers? That's what she acts like.
I shake my head at her and turn to my dad. "Hey dad? What are we eating for din-ner?" I turn and death glare at my cousin who's once again shaking my arm like a mad woman. She grins evilly at me and brings her fingers across her throat, signaling that I can't swear other wise my ass is gonna beat by dad. I roll my eyes and turn back to dad.
"We're making miso soup and stir fry. Sound good enough?" He asks, turning his head to me.
I nod. "Can I have ice cream for dessert?" He shrugs. I fist pump the air and jump, forgetting I'm holding my cousins hand and accidentally make her fall. Her eyes start watering up as she holds her scrapped knee.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Misha, are you ok?!" I yell, getting to her eye level and hugging her, picking her up. AANNNDDD she starts bawling her eyes out.. Yelling things like, "Bubby pushed me!" Or "He's abusing animals, take him to da powice!"
I roll my eyes. "It was an accident, Misha. Suck it up like the inner ninth grader you are." She smacks my head as I hold her. "Ow.." She glares at me. "Suck it up, senior." I roll my eyes once again. "I'm gonna run home, ok with parents?" I say. "Wow, I can English very well more than you."
  My parents stare at me.
"I'll take that as a cue to go, cya at home!" I yell, before running home with Misha on my back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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