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William Nye adjusted his bowtie. He had to look sharp; after all, the party he was attending was also going to have foreign dignitaries on the guest list!

When he arrived, he somewhat clumsily but confidently stepped out of the limo, nodding a thank you to the security guarding the entrance of the lavish hotel.

"OH MY GOD! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER!" Bill jumped, startled, but when the voice sank in he whirled around with a smile. "OPRAH! It has been too long!! How have you been?" Embracing the eyelashless
(srsly, she was born without them. Weird. Apparently no one told her she was beautiful until she was 12. Sad :( ) woman. "Good, good. You?" "I've been fine too!"

They chatted a bit more, then Oprah excused herself to the lady's room. Bill waved goodbye, and then went to look for another good friend of his.

He bumped into him at the snack table, hearing a familiar voice whistling "Chandelier" "Neil!! Wassup bro?" The other scientist/TV star looked up from his fondue. "Bill!!!" "NEIL!" "BILL!!!" "NEILLLLL!!!" The two hugged, squealing.

"Did you see Lady Gaga and Samuel L Jackson fighting over the last donut? It was hilarious!" "I'm more upset over their not being any more donuts." Neil loled.
Suddenly something caught his eye, and he groaned. "Uh oh. Don't look now, it's Mr. Grumpy Gills." "Who?" Bill looked around. Neil hissed. "Get down! He'll see us!" "WHO?" "The bald homophobe. The guy who rides bears. The guy so easily offended he banned all MEMES!"

"Meme police? Vladimir Putin?" "Yes!!!!!" Neil hissed urgently from under the table. "What's wrong? Sure, he's a bit annoying, but not awful." "He kept flooding my Snapchat with pictures of Nickleback's faces on frogs captioned "Yall motherfuckers need Narwhal Jesus!". What does that even mean?!?!?!"

"Hmm, I don't know, Neil. But I'm gonna find out!" "NO!" But it was too late. Bill was already striding over tothe Soviet. "If this causes a nuclear holocaust, it's your fault." Then he played Angry Birds on his phone.

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