2.15 | Heart to Kill

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"Forever we're young and we are dyingand we will be spilling all our blood

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"Forever we're young and we are dying
and we will be spilling all our blood.
So I will take away my feelings -
I will be an animal."
Animal - Ellie Goulding


THERE EXISTS A tipping point between gods and monsters, heroes and villains, light and dark, good and bad.

Fallon Jones danced around that point, and once she crossed, she was careful to never turn back to the hero, the light, the good.

Adeline Morris did not dance around that point. She didn't gingerly, reluctantly step over it like she did the boundary between the east and west of Neverland. She took one look at it and shattered it. She may have been on Pan's side, but she was not going to obey without a fight. She would not allow herself to become like Pan, nor would she return to the pirate she used to be.

It didn't help her conviction when Pan made a reappearance halfway through Adi's catching up with the boys, demanding that she follow him.

"Where to now?" There was aggravation in her tone. "Who am I going to watch die this time?"

"Yourself, if you don't stop with that attitude," Pan snapped in reply as he led her north, up toward the mountain – which was odd, considering the boys favored the southern beaches more than the rocky northern grounds.

"Are you implying you're going to kill me?" she asked tiredly. "Or that if I don't comply, we're all going to die?"

He let out a short breath of amusement. "Both."

"I'm not dying."

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you."

The trees began to thin out the further he took her away from home (when did it become home to me?), the closer the mountain got. But then Pan veered off suddenly to the right and continued past Neverpeak.

Short of breath, Adi brushed a twig from her short hair. "It isn't a question of if I survive, but how. That's the thing about pirates: we specialize in self-preservation."

For a walk half filled with silence and half with teasing banter, it went quickly. Adi didn't realize where they were headed until the jungle gave way to a beach – different than the one ringing the southernmost part of the island. This was rockier, with coarse sand and calmer waves and an even smaller island not too far off the coast.

"What is that?" Adi questioned as she squinted at the stone mass. The structure looked to have several holes punctured throughout it, mirrored hazily on the water below.

She hadn't even noticed Pan had trailed away from her, a few meters away, and was now standing beside a wooden rowboat.

"Get in."

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