Look into my eyes and tell me what you see.
Look into my eyes and see what is behind them.
Look into my eyes and tell me what you have caused.
Look into my eyes and tell me you have made me happy.
Look into my eyes and tell me that I'm ok.
Look into my eyes and tell me all has passed.
Look into my eyes and tell me you have done no wrong.
Look into my eyes and tell me you can make it better.
Look into my eyes and tell me you haven't cast me aside.
Look into my eyes and tell me you didn't mean to.
Look into my eyes and tell me she isn't better.You can't.
You can't bare to look at me, because the truth is, you know how I feel. You know you have done it before. And you know you will do it again.
But before you do.
Look into my eyes , and tell me why.
Tell me.... Why?