Your An Anime Character

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You led the Swedish woman to the (living room/computer)and handed a nearby plushie, the funny thing was that it was her maleversion. You pulled up (favorite episode with Sweden in it) so shecould see her male version. She looked between the show and theplushie.

"Th's 's m'?" She asked and you silently nodded, shestill seemed calm. "Wh' am I m'le?" You shrugged at that honestlyhaving no idea why.

"I don't know, your male versions name, if the maleversion exists; your supposed to just be an anime character, his nameis Berwald." You explained and she nodded, you felt bad for her,she must be missing Finland. Sweden, even in the original version ofthe anime, was always your favorite; you wished you had a love likethat. Someone who would love you so much.

"I h've to f'nd a h'me th'n." She said and youlooked at her biting your lip, though you didn't remember that wishyou had made you still felt guilty as if her being here was somehowyour fault. Even if it wasn't you couldn't just let someone behomeless.

"You don't have to do that; you can stay with me."You said as she looked at you with her cool blue eyes and raised asingle blonde eyebrow.

"Wh't abo't yo'r f'ml'y?" She asked as you lookeddown and sighed.

"My parents are away on a business trip in (anothercountry) and I have plenty of room." You explained as she stilldidn't look convinced, "you don't have to stay if you don't want toI'd just not want you out on the street." You explained and sheseemed to calm. You were grateful for this, you had seen what hermale version would do to Denmark when the 'king' was beingparticularly annoying. You didn't want to deal with that.

"'kay, th'nk y'u." She said and you nodded andsmiled at her.

"Of course, this house has four bedrooms, my parentsroom and I have a room so you can choose between the two guestbedrooms." You said with a smile and she nodded.

"I'll st'y o't of yo'r w'y." She promised as yougave a giggle and she thought it was a nice laugh, almost like bells.

"Don't worry, my parents aren't scheduled to come homefor another few years. You can stay here as long as you want." Youpromised and she nodded and you led her to the two guest bedrooms,she chose the one across from you. "Well I'm going back to bed, ifyou need anything just call." You said with a smile, half thinkingthis was a dream, "so goodnight."

"Go'dn'ght Name." She grunted as you headed to yourown room to crawl into your inviting warm bed.

Shortbut I hope you like it. Here's the second chapter dealing with femaleSweden, and the fact that there is also female Finland will come intoplay.

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