Susan was sitting on the couch and you were straddlingher lap. You two were just cuddling each other, giving kisses andcuddling but you stopped after a while, "wh't is it?" Susan askeda bit worried about you as you shook your head.
"Oh I'm sorry Susan." You sighed and you tried toignore it but she cupped your face lovingly.
"T'll m'." She whispered looking at you worried.
"It's you miss your home?"
"H'me?" She asked shocked and confused, where youwere was her home. So how could she miss her home when her home wasright here?
"Your dimension, Sweden, that." You explained andshe gave a slight smile and kissed your lips gently.
"S'metimes." she admitted, "I m'ss my sist'rs.N'rw'y, Ic'l'nd, D'nm'rk, 'nd F'nl'nd."
"But...I thought you liked Finland." You pointed outconfused, she had admitted that before, but now Finland was hersister?
"'nce, b't sh' n'ver f'lt th't w'y f'r m'. Aft'r a f'wh'ndr'd y'ars I f'lt s'mething m're of s'sterly l've." Sheexplained and then gave a grunt, "b't 'f t' le've th'm g'ves m'y'u, I'll t'ke it." She added with a chuckle and you smiledbrightly. You leaned over and kissed her passionately, as you pulledaway from each other your lips clinging to each other as if theydidn't want to be pulled away from each other. "Wh't br'ught th'son?" She asked as you smiled sadly and kissed her cheek beforeanswering her since she would probably give you a lecture. Lovinglecture but a lecture none the less.
"I love you Susan, but you are so good. Yourstrong-both physically and mentally-beautiful, and always in control.You deserve so much better than me." You sighed and she grippedyour face with both her strong hands and made you look into hers,your (eye color) pools looking into her own blue ones.
"N'ne of th't, N'me. N' sp'aking l'ke th't." Shewhispered before kissing you lovingly, "y'u are s' be'utiful."She whispered stroking your face, "I love you." She whisperedkissing you passionately.
Shortbut I hope you guys like this.
FanfictionThis story revolves around you and a half remembered wish to meet your favorite character, the female version of Sweden, and the journey and love that resulted from it.