Luke tried to kill shane

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Hanna's POV

I went to the Hotel were we are staying well we are at vid con I stayed with shane and joey I was staying with shane tonight cuz tomorrow is me walking around looking at other people and raking pics and other thing so that is going to be fun I checked my youtube and I now had 7,000 subscribers I told everyone if i hit 1.m by the time we do the Q&A I well drink a hole thing of soy sauce and then I posted the video I got to 8,000 in 1 hour when shane walked in and kissed me I loved his kisses I said

Hanna : shane I am going to take a shower so stay here


Shane's POV

Hanna wen to take a shower she was to beautiful I was playing floppy bird when I herd someone at the door I went to go see who it was but the Door was opened when I got there so I closed it I was going to go back to the room but I was pushed to the wall by Luke I looked at him my eyes were big he put a small knife to my throat and said

Luke : were is hanna shane

Shane : um.. why do you care what if I told you she was with joey

Luke : then you would be lieing cuz I was just over there

Shane : fuck off Luke

Hanna stared sing I pushed him Luke off of me I ran to the bathroom hanna was just getting out of the shower I know that cuz she aways sing when she is getting dressed I bagged on the door and scremd

Shane : hanna

She opened the door and pushed me out of the way and she was stabbed again in the same place she fell to the floor blooed was all around her I called 911

911 : hello 911 speaking how may I help you

Shane : ya hello my girlfriend was stabbed and I need a ambulance to come now

911 : okay one in on there way now

I ended the call waiting for 5 minutes she was still alive I can see her Breathing when they got here She got up and stared screaming for me I went down to see her when I got down there she was gone I went to joey hotel I told him what happened then we left to the hospital when we got there we were stopped they told use hanna may not have much time to live she has lost so much blooed from it looked like two stabbes that she may not live we need someone to give hanna blooed first I said I well to it but they said they needed someone like joey or Daniel Joey said

Joey : I well do it

Daniel so I can't let you Joey I am doing and that is final

Joey : Daniel no I am doing it

Daniel : no joey I am the Reson she may die


Daniel POV

I walked in to a room were I gave blood and I was doing this for hanna they took a pond of blood I felt a bit dizzy the doctor said

Doctor :you going to feel a bit dizzy for a bit so drink water and orange juice or a juice just drink something

Daniel : okay I we'll

I went back and sat with joey and shane we were supost to go to vid con but didn't cuz of hanna I grabbed my apple juice and drink it and then a nurse came and told use we can go see hanna now we walked and hanna was there when she seen use she tried getting upto hug me and joey but the doctor said

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