Truth or dare

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Hanna's POV
Made it to the store with Ian we went in I grabbed a basket and put some gummy bears and put a few bags in the basket and grabbed some hun buns I put two boxes in then Ian said

Ian : hanna can I tell you some you have to not tell anyone

Hanna : ya of course you can I know I may have only know you for like a day but I won't say a thing

Ian : I think I am gay for someone

Hanna : awe who

Ian : Anthony

He bit his lip I hugged him and said

Hanna : my lip are locked

He grabbed some chips and a few cans of pop I got some coconut milk for me and joey and some popsicles then we left it came up to 50$ I payed and we left when we got back they were play truth or dare we I joined in with them

Joey's POV

Hanna and Ian got back with a lot of stuff hanna thorw me a coconut milk and gave everyone a pop I wanted a pop to i told her she thorw a pop at me i opened it and took a drink she had a popsicle it was my turn so I said

Joey : hanna truth or dare

Hanna : dare and don't make it to easy

Joey : I dare to to kiss shane with tongue

She bit her lip and kissed shane she slipped in with her tongue and it was done she sat down and said

Hanna : Anthony truth or dare

Anthony : um.. dare

Hanna : I dare you to ask out the person you like

Anthony : um... I can't do that

Hanna : why not she must be beautiful if you like her

Anthony : cuz it is not a her

Ian : Anthony just do it no one cares

We all looked at Anthony cuz I geuss hanna didn't know about Anthony likeing Ian

Anthony : okay fine Ian well you go out with me

Ian's eye went big that put a big smile on his face Ian the said

Ian : Anthony your kidding me how long has this been going on

Anthony : I have liked you for a month now

Ian : well if you not kidding for the dating I well

They hugged and sat down be each other now everyone had love in the hotel it was Anthony turn he said

Anthony: shane truth or dare

Shane : truth

Anthony : is it truth that you kissed someone well being with hanna

Shane : what the fuck Anthony

Hanna : what are you talking about shane you such an ass hole

Hanna ran to the room and locked the door I hared her crying I knocked on the door she slowly opened it and pulled me and Daniel in and showed use pictures of Shane kissing other girls like 6 or maybe even 7 other girl and it was not photo shop I said

Joey : hanna how are you looking at them with your phone

She was crying and said

Hanna : this is Shane's phone we have the same phone I am sending me the pictures right now

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