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The city streets were busy as the midday sun hung high in the sky. The cars honked and raced off, the sunlight reflected off of the skyscrapers as all of the people on the sidewalks rushed to and from work. Moving in waves people kept their heads down barely noticing the world around them. Though he was different. He walked through the streets looking at everything around him. Taking in the sights, the people's faces, and the art. That's when he saw her. She stood with a worried look on her face. The world racing pass her as she drowned in the sea of people. The dark shadows grew and stretched out around her. 

Knowing he was the only one who could save her, he fought through the waves of people into the nearest building. From their he climbed to the roof and looked down. He could not longer see her on the street. The shadows had swept her away.  From his pocket he retrieved a small box and carefully placed it on the ground. Once touching the ground the box expanded to the size of a telephone booth. He looked around one last time before stepping inside. From inside the booth he could no longer hear the noise of the busy city. Suddenly he felt a tingling sensation throughout his body as the booth deteriorated  into spec like pixels. Carried by the wind down the city streets. 

In a narrow alley on the other side of the city the pixels materialized once more and he stepped out of the booth. Looking around he did not recognize anything around him. He had teleported to a new part of the city. Once he stepped clear out of the booth, the booth collapsed and folded back into the shape of the box. He picked up the box and placed it back in his pocket. 

Suddenly the door, a back door to the restaurant beside him swung open and there she stood. She frantically looked around before her gaze fell on him. The pair stood face to face for several moments in silence. She just stared at him partly in awe and partly in confusion. Before he could explain there was a crash a few feet away. Several crates had toppled over causing them both to jump. Knowing they didn't have much time he tossed the box back onto the ground and watched it unfold then told her to step inside. Though she was hesitant she did what he asked. In a single moment she was gone. 

Chased through the alley by the shadows, he knew he needed a way out. He dashed out into the street. Still the people around him walked with their eyes glued to the cement. He attempted to loose the shadows in the crowd.

After teleporting to a safe part of the city she stepped out of the booth and watched as it automatically folded back up into a box.  Carefully she picked up the box and looked at it. Her curious gaze examined all of the gears and springs. Then she thought about him and how he had rescued her from the shadows. He was unlike anyone she had ever met before. He saw things, and he saw her. She knew he must still be in trouble so she placed the box back down on the ground the same way she had seen it done in the alley. However nothing happened. 

It was two days later when she finally found him, badly hurt and very weak. The remnants of the darkness swarming around him like flies. She rushed to him scaring off the meek strains of darkness. Kneeling beside him she looked over his wounds, and with careful thought she waved her hand over him. A few moments later the wounds closed, the color returned to his face, and he opened his eyes. His whole body ached reminding him of what had happened. He tried to pull himself up straight and winced from the pain. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder silently telling him to wait.  Then after taking a deep breath she waved her other hand over him once more. Suddenly the pain was gone and he was healed. 

With their powers they saved one another. 

Pieces of HimWhere stories live. Discover now