Finders Keepers

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Every successful relationship needs to be provided with discussion and trust. However, even without a conversation every once in a while, it can go bad. This has happened in the beginning of my affinity with Kyouko Sakura. Although we are not married, the way we act with one another seem to connect us as if we were.

"Look, Mami, I found a dog!"

My eyes shot to the heap of caramel fur on my carpet. It panted happily, its body quaking vertically, almost vibrating.

"Where did you find it?" I inquired with a forced smile. Bebe sat on my shoulder, and hissed at the dog, scuttling down to my hand.

"I dunno, outside a ramen noodle shop! Isn't it great?"

I nodded, stiffly turning to see the dog with my fake smile. It then casually lumbered towards me and placed a large paw on my lap. I screeched internally.

"He likes ya, Mami! I wanna name 'im Meatlug!" The redhead flashed a toothy grin at me, bending down at the dog's level and petting him. Panting happily, the dog was, what I assumed, fairly happy. Unfortunately for me, I was left bemused.

"We agreed to keep him…?" I winced just thinking about it. Kyouko looked up at me and blinked. The dog…Meatlug, I suppose, licked Kyouko's cheek, making the redhead laugh and hug him. "See, Mami? He's friendly and all, so can't we keep 'im?" Her eyes gleamed with hope and joy that I say yes.

Do I honestly want that thing in my house? I stared at nothing in particular, a finger on my chin. Thoughts of the future clouded my mind in…terror.

Every morning, I'll be greeted with a caramel dog gnawing away at my toes. When I cook dinner, he'll be there to snatch my roast before I even act on slicing it. And those nights when my mind holds dear is Kyoko. I shuddered at just thinking about some putrid, mud-caked dog barreling into the room.

However…Kyouko did seem awfully happy with the dog. Plus, she's always bored and lonely when I leave the house. "Fine," I sighed in defeat. "But I'm going to call him Harvey."

"Harvey?!" Kyouko covered the flopping ears of her new companion. "That is such a stupid, prissy, 'look-at-me-I-have-money-and-an-ugly-overbite-' name! Harvey? It sounds like something you'd call those American smartphones." Bebe screeched, and we both received whiplash from turning so fast. Meatlug…er, Harvey had Bebe's Swiss cheese in his mouth, his slobber spilling over it in a curtain of saliva. Bebe hissed again, continuously hopping on the dog's head. He payed no mind whatsoever.

"This dog better not go through my panties," I growled.

"Then how am I going to teach him my Sunday traditions?!"

A well tuned relationship deserves a lot of attention, and communication. If you find out something your partner isn't telling you, say, going through your panty drawer, you could talk it out. Or grab the closest ladle and sLAP THEM UNTIL THE COWS COME HOME!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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