The Bookworm (Sam Drake x Reader)

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I'm gonna do my best to write a one shot, which is incredibly difficult for me as I am very wordy...clearly. So this is pretty much a personal challenge for me.


The hot sticky air of the Brazilian jungle clung to my skin even as the sun began to set. Still stuck out here, without Sully's plane in sight, Sam and I decided it best we stay closer the the ruins of the tribal temple, rather than risk traveling at night.

It has been a month now, traveling with the pair of 'exploring treasure hunters', although better words to describe them might be thieves, thrill seekers, or maybe even nut jobs.

Whatever they were, I never in a million years thought I would be stuck with them. However, I was brought on as an advisor...the book worm who could piece together clues, identify relics, and provide amusement to the two of them when my lack of 'rough traveling' experience showed.

After some time, Sully's 'god damns' and Sam's chain smoking became almost charming, and welcomed routine. A part of me knew how much I would miss them when all this was over, but a larger part of me was well over being shot at, dragged through the wilderness by Sam like Tarzan would to Jane, and fighting off snakes, bugs, and over growth of the jungle.

Deep down in the safety of the temple's caverns, it was wet, smelled of something dank, and every small sound echoed off every wall, making it quite unnerving. It was however safe from anything large, wild, or hostile, and invitingly cool.

I sighed to myself, pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose. Surprisingly I hadn't lost, dropped, or broken them yet in all the adventure. Sam sat next to me, leaning against the cool wall, as he smoked yet another cigarette. He must be running low by now. He smokes more when he's bored.

I watched as the puffs of smoke filled the dimly lit small cavern. Lit only by a flashlight I had set upright in front of me as a form of comfort more than anything.

His smoke moved through the beam of light with an almost hypnotic flow, before hovering in the air above us. Drawing me into a trance of my own thoughts. Little did I know where those thoughts would end up going...if I had I may have reconsidered this moment.

In the time I had spent with this man he's probably saved my life a handful of times. Between dodging bullets, crumbling cliffs, and many snakes, without him I'd more than likely wouldn't have lasted fifteen minutes. In a was...well romantic, and yes, in my book worm, romantic ideals, it drew me to him. Adventure, rugged manly guy, multiple near death experiences. All made for one hell of a romance novel, and as I silently watched him, I let my inner thoughts wander as to how such a romance novel would play out.

My eyes traveled over his frame with a fascination. His hands had snatched me up from falling down slick hillsides more than once, I remembered them being strong, rough, and callused. I wondered to myself how they would feel on more than just my wrists.

His lips were thin, and as he took a drag from his cigarette, they pursed slightly. My mind tried to work out exactly what they looked like if they kissed my own.

"Y/N," Sam snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Did I lose you there?"

"Hmm? What?" I scrambled to recover from my mental porn.

He shook a canteen at me, "You're kind of out of it."

Ooooh, if you only knew how out of it I am, Sam. I thought to myself, taking the canteen from him, pushing my glasses up my nose once more, and draking a drink. I handed it back without a word, and tried not to look directly at him, and begin the torture of my own hormones once again.

'Don't Worry. I'm Scrappy.' A Collection Of Sam Drake One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now