The Bartender (Sam Drake x Reader)

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This one is more of a playful, one night stand plot. Figured I would try something were the reader has no past with Sam, no recent history, nothing. Just one very dirty naughty night. You bad girl, you. ~.^

Warning: descriptive sexual content.


I lived in one of the most beautiful places in the world. A spring breakers dream really...and working here at the bar made every single night an adventure of it's own.

I had finally pushed out the drunken masses and closed the bar for the night. My boss balancing the books for the night in his office with a pair of friends he hadn't seen in quite some time apparently.

I had plucked my phone from my pocket, and turned on my best 80's playlist. Dropping my phone in a tall beer mug to amplify the sound. Scrubbing the spilled beer, guck off the tables, kicking around a garbage can to collect the litter scattered about. This was pretty much routine for me. The wind down of my dance around an empty bar room with a rag and a garbage can. Sometimes it was my favorite part of the day. When I could finally let my guard down.

After awhile my boss and his friends wondered in the bar room to get themselves some drinks. They had introduced themselves as Sully...and Sam. Adorable pair really, and gentlemanly. Something I was less than used to in my line of work.

As they sat down at one of the few clean tables. I quickly scooped my phone out of the mug to turn off my music. However the younger of the two guests protested, claiming he liked it.

I gave him a thankful smile, even though I wouldn't much enjoy the music if I were being watched. I kept my mouth shut...and went about my business.

As I continued to do my job, I couldn't help but notice the eyes on me. I had glanced up only a few times to catch a glimpse of the one who had introduced himself as Sam...with a certain smirk to his lips. A slight raised brow when I would return his glance...and a celebratory sip of his beer when he caught me smiling.

For whatever reason it brought a blush to my cheeks. One I had tried to hide everytime it surfaced, but I was pretty sure he caught slight of it in the dim light at least once or twice.

The bar shimmered with a sparkle I could be proud of, and I felt I deserved a break. I ran my forearm over my forehead, tossed my rag on the bar, and head outside to smoke a cigarette. I was a little surprised to find I was followed by the smirking man.

He too lit up a cigarette of his own, "Need company?"

Probably, but considering he made me blush like a school girl was probably not the best idea to get it from him.

I smiled and nodded, ignoring my instinct, "Sure."

As the two of us sat, puffing away at cigarette after cigarette the time flew by rather unexpectedly. We chatted about everything and nothing in particular. Surprisingly his company was more than pleasant, and as the sun began to rise in the sky I finally realized how long the two of us had been sitting here talking.

I stood up, dusted myself off, and turned toward the was locked. Thankfully I had a key since I was often the one closing up for the night.

"Must have thought you took off awhile ago," Sam spoke up from behind me.

"Yeah...I suppose so," I fumbled with the keys in my hand a bit before unlocking the door to let us both in. Turning off the alarm, and heading toward the bar to retrieve my phone. "I have to be back at 9, and I still haven't finished the dishes. So...can I get you breakfast?"

He smirked at me and nodded, "You make breakfast...I'll do the dishes?"

"You have no idea what you just signed up for, but" I scoffed and extended my hand to shake his and seal his fate in the deal he just made. He shook my hand like a gentleman of his word, and followed me to the kitchen. The dishes stacked high by the sink. He groaned at the sight. I couldn't help but giggle as I turned on the grill, and pulled out steaks and eggs from the walk in cooler. "Too late to back out now, pretty boy."

'Don't Worry. I'm Scrappy.' A Collection Of Sam Drake One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now