Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 ~ Melody

Beep, beep, beep.

My alarm went off. The time- 6:30am.

I got up changed into a bikini that was deep purple, a white singlet that said "water is better than air", simple denim shorts and slipped on black flip flops. I put my hair up in a simple bun.

I grabbed my keys and went to my car.

It took maybe 10 minutes to get to the beach.

it was 6:50 by the time I had taken my hair out and checked to see if any people were here- no.

It was becoming light so I was debating whether to go in or not.

C'mon Melody, just get in.

did I mention my name is Melody?

But I could get spotted.

Just get in, you will be fine if you get in now.


Just get in!

Okay, okay!


I took another quick look around before running into the water and quickly diving, immediately getting a tail as I dived.

I smiled before flipping my tail hard and speeding off to me Alana- my mermaid friend.

*At the rock where Alana is*

"Hey Alana," I greeted climbing onto the rock.

"Hey Melody," she smiled in return.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I screamed.

"Dude, shut up- wait who's birthday is it?" she asked.

"Someone's, somewhere."

She rolled her eyes.

"Uh uh, say happy birthday," I instructed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" she creamed before laughing.

"Better," I smiled.

"This is why we're friends," she giggled.

"What do you think you'll choose?" I asked becoming serious.

"For what?" she asked, confused.

"How we only get one choice, above water or below," I replied.

"Well, that is the basics stupid," she chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

Yeah, great job! I sarcastically thought.

"Yeah, but what one will you choose?" I asked.

"Below- or above, I don't know. I have a month," she told me.

"Well I'm going below. I doubt any thing will change my mind in a month," I joked.

"Yeah, I-" she was cut off by dolphins screaming out her name.

Yeah we can speak dolphin. So what? Yeah we can speak to every other living animal in the world. So what?

"That's my call to go home. Bye Melody," she waved diving off and being gone in a flick of a tail.

That's whats good about mermaids. We are extremely fast from the moment you get your tail.

It's good for if we ever need to get away from humans or sharks. Most sharks I'm friends with.Some not so much. They trusted and liked me when I saved 8 newborn sharks from a fishers net. Now I am really close with the sharks- some.

I jumped off the rock as soon as I heard the waves splash 5 times together- meaning people where coming.

I flicked my tail and swam to the safest place I knew.

As I saw I felt the water rush past me. It was like wind but I felt free. I enjoyed being in water more than anything. I just lived on land sometimes because I want to know my options.

I could see the fish going the other direction because they have told me they sometimes like it when people are near them because they feed them. Silly fish. they are really lazy.

When I arrived where I come normally to be safe I still was mesmerized at how beautiful the scenery was. I come her almost everyday and always am shocked at how wonderful it is.

According to the sun it was already 2 o'clock pm. That's another thing for mermaids, the days are the same length but they seem shorter. That's because we do things so fast that time basically does fly with us. Strange, I know.

I got out and sat on the beautiful, soft, clean sand. I dried myself with one of the powers I have. I have many but I mostly like the heat one because it means I can dry fast.

I got up and dusted the sand off my shorts. Perks of being a mermaid- you never get your body wet when you touch water. You do grow a tail but oh well.

"Hello?" a voice called echoing off the walls.

Shit, how did someone get in here?

Crap. The way I found it.

Stupid island having so many secret entrances. Bitch.

"Is anyone in here?" It called again.

"No," I called back before even realizing what was coming out of my mouth.

"Okay. Well I guess i'll just have to sit in here alone," the voice yelled. I could practically here the smirk.

I closed my eyes and let every little thing I had heard go through my head.

The power i'm using now helps me to get a little bit of information on the person just by using their voice and accent. I can get their eye colour, hair colour, name, which country they are from, how old they are and a couple other little bits of information about them.

And this person was..... Niall Horan?

I quickly hid in my hiding spot that I found in the water. It fit me and my tail. My tail is pretty big. All tails are.

"Howow?" Niall's voice said, muffled since I was under water and in an almost different cave inside a cave.

I waited until I could hear his footsteps fade away before carefully putting my head above the water to see if anyone was there. No one.

I have great hearing and I heard the sound of voices, then footsteps then an engine starting then the boat driving away. From their voices I was able to know that it was the rest of one direction.

As soon as I knew that the boat was miles from where I was I grabbed my shell that I had here to brush my hair my favorite song that a legendary mermaid that was known by mermaids before the world- Ariel- wrote.

(A/N: song on the side)

I put my shell down and looked to the water getting ready to dive when I saw something. A person. Niall Horan. About to jump into the water.

Did I mention I still had my tail?

He was standing there in a trance.

Did I do that?

Of course you did stupid, you sang. You know how you're basically a siren when you sing.


I just put Niall Horan in a trance.

And the only way to get him out of it is to stay a mermaid and lead him closer to me.


Written by: LittleCupcakes67

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