Chapter One

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Amelia walked out of the house and ducked as a tea cup came flying past her head.

"Ah!" her father called, looking up from his tea party with Thackery Earwhicket and Mallymkun "Awmie! Pull your nose out of that book and come join us!"

"No thank you, Father," she declined, not even looking up from her book.

"What are you reading that could possibly be more entertaining than our tea time?" he demanded.

"It's hardly more interesting," she laughed, sitting beside him and placing her closed book beside the tea cup in front of her.

"But now you'll have to tell me," he said, pouring her some tea "Because you've interested me."

"Father?" she distracted "How is a raven like a writing desk?"

"I haven't the slightest idea," he smirk.

"Neither do I," she admitted, standing up, placing her book under her arm and picking up her tea cup "Thank you for the tea, Father."

With that, she walked away into the forest.

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