Chapter 2

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I am so sorry I took forever to post this chapter! I wrote the whole chapter out..... But then I reread it and I hated it! So i deleted it and started over. I know I have had a ton of empty promises about when this chapter was gunna be updated. I wanna say I am SUPER SORRY! I have just been pummeled with school work. I hope you guys like this! I put a lot of effort into it! Thanks for reading!!!!



Corey backed up slowly

"Please, Tamara" Corey begged as Tamara pulled a small pouch out of her coat pocket. "Why are you doing this?" Corey begged as she continued to back up until her back hit the cold brick wall behind her. She tried desperately to catch her breathe from the fight with Tamara. She watched Tamara handle the bag. Corey knew exactly what was in the pouch and she knew that it would drag her away from her father..... Again.

"Because, I can't risk you telling anyone what you heard." Tamara said as she pulled a sparkling bean out I the pouch.

"Please, Tamara I didn't hear anything! I head my headphones on!" Corey protested. "If you do this and they figure out you were the one who did it.... And they will! What will Neal think!" Corey watched Tamara twirl the delicate bean around in her hands. A smirk appeared on Tamara's face.

"I don't care what Neal thinks" Tamara said with a laugh as she tossed the bean in between them both before backing away. The growing green hole grew larger and larger by the second. Corey desperately looked around for a fire escape or anything she could hold onto. But there was nothing. Then to Corey's horror she felt a tug at her feet and everything went green.


THUD! Corey let out a grunt as she felt her body slam into the ground. Before she got up she did a quick check to make sure nothing was broken. Finally she climbed onto her feet an brushed herself off. She look around the ground to see if she had dropped anything, only to find a pair of black leather bots in front of her. She felt her breathe catch in her throat. She slowly looked up. The person standing in front of her was definitely a royal. She studied his face trying to figure out whether or not he was good. She followed his gaze over her shoulder. She turned her head to see what he was looking at. It was a giant ditch, the one the portal created.

"Did you come through a portal?" The man in front of her asked.

"Yes, but-" he cut her off.

"May I use it?" He asked desperately.

"I'm afraid it doesn't work like that" Corey said but a she studied him more she notices that his clothes were tattered and dirty. The eyes are windows to the soul, that's what her father always told her. She looked into the man's eyes wondering whether she should trust him or not. His eyes were filled with sadness, heartbreak, and desperation, but her instincts told her that she could trust him.

"The names Corey" she said as she held her hand out to him.

"I'm Philip, I'd shake your hand but unfortunately I can't" she said.

"Can't?" Corey questioned. His eyes swirled with sadness.

"I'm not really here" he said with a broken sigh. Corey gave him a questioning look. "I was attacked by a wraithe...." He trailed off

"And your soul was sent here?" Corey finished. He nodded

"I have to get back to the Enchanted Forrest. To be with my true love, Aurora. Where did you come from?" He said as he gestured toward the ditch behind her.

"Storybrooke, Maine."

"Have you been to the enchanted Forrest?" Philip asked with desperation in his eyes. Corey nodded.

"I lived thee before Storybrooke." Corey told him.

"If I can get back there my soul will be reunited with my body and I will be able to live again." As a pirate Corey learned to follow the wind and right now it was gusting toward Philip.

"How about, I help you get to the enchanted Forrest and then you help me get back to Storybrooke." Corey suggested. Philip looked up hopefully.

"Really?" He questioned. She nodded.

" it would be a lot harder to work alone"

"Deal" Philip agreed. " it's almost dusk. We should head in for the night follow me." He said as he gestured for Corey to follow him. She took a good look around as she walked with Philip. The land looked like no other place she has been to. It was really unusual. The were giant mushrooms scattered around everywhere. Philip noticed her examining a big blue mushroom beside the path.

"I must warn you not to eat any mushrooms from this land" Philip warned.

"Why not?" Corey asked. Philip broke a small crumb of mushroom

Off and put it by an ant hill.

There was a puff of blue smoke and an Ant was the size of a mouse. Corey let out a scream as she scrambled on top of the mushroom.

"Get rid of it!!" She screamed.

" it's only temporary." He said just as there was another puff of blue smoke and the giant ant was regular size again. "So the brave pirate is scare of a tiny bug?" Philip said with a laugh. Corey's expression went cold.

"How did you know I was a pirate!?" She said as she hopped off the mushroom and made her way slowly toward Philip. "And if your a spirit how did you touch the mushroom?"

"Uh- well.....I-I-- can explain!" Philip stuttered. As Corey's bright blue eyes glared coldly at him.

"Then explain!" Corey demanded her voice as cold as ice.

"I can touch things not people" Philip said as he reached toward Corey but his hand just passed right through.

"But how did you know I was a pirate!!" Corey questioned. Philip looked hopelessly back at Corey's cold expression.

"Because I spoke to a seer. She told me a bandit of the sea would help me." Philip said nervously. Corey let out a laugh.

"Bandit of the sea? Come on!? I've never stolen!" Corey said defensively. Philip cocked an eyebrow. "What? I've never..... Fine I have, but only once!" Corey crossed her arms." Maybe twice but I haven't stolen in years!" Philip laughed. Corey narrowed her eyes. "Let's just get going" she growled. They made their way up the hill. Corey looked around at the top. There was a huge castle. It looked old and worn down. All the red flags were torn. There were small towns surrounding the castle but they also looked run down and abandoned.

"Who lives here?" Corey asked as she looked down for people.

"No one" Philip said sadly.

"Then go built all these houses?" Corey asked.

"There were people they all were killed" Philip said solemnly.

"Why?" Corey asked as she looked sadly down at the town.

"I found some journals of the people because when I first got here, I wondered the same thing. The queen was a powerful sorceress and she killed everyone before she left the land." He said sadly.

"That's awful, did anyone survive?" Corey asked.

"Not that I know of. I've searched this land but I found no one." Philip said. Before starting down the hill toward the castle.


Thanks for reading!!!!!

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