Chapter Two... Class A-3

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Ok So after all that unwanted attention... I walk to class A-3 and take my seat near the window. Ahh how i love the window! So lonely... Like me. A.k.a if you haven't noticed by now... Im TERRIBLY SHY. *Daydreams as students walk by*

???- Hello! Are you new??

Aya- Yes...

Oh great. My peace disturbed.

???- Im Saika Trinasho.The Class president! Nice to mee---

Boy student- U-uh Saika can you accept this---

Saika-Im talking to Aya-Chan.

Boy student- Oh you mean Chibi-Chan??

Aya- W-Wait chibi-chan?!

Boy Student- Yeah! Well that is what everybody's calling you now.

Wow. I just started school and they are making names for me.How nice.
Aya- O-oh...

The bell rings.

Teacher- Hello class welcome to...

Aya- *looks out window*

Then a boy comes in.

???- Sorry Im late! All the girls at the gate tackled me...


~ Authors note~

Hi its me minty! So excited to be doing this! Sorry this is early so Forgive please. Any way. Comment ideas in the coment section so i can feature them!!

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