Chapter:5 A Sleepover and That Dreaded game!

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~At Home~

Aya- Mom!! * runs downstairs*

Ms.Kinimo- Yes Aya honey???

Aya- C-can we go.... S-shopping at the mall today? .////.

Ms.Kinimo-.... O-Of course!!! *secretly excited* But why??

Aya- * puts head down* My friend S-Saika invited me to a s-sleepover....

Ms.Kinimo- THE CAR.NOW!!!

~At the Mall~

Ms.Kinimo- Buy!!! Buy Aya to your Hearts Content!!

Aya- O-ok....

As I walk around, My eyes set on a two piece pajama. It was soo cute!!! A-ahem i mean... it had chibi bunnies like me. Well like how mom told me when I was young. It even came with cute bunnie slippers!

???- Would you like that?

Aya- *turns around* Yes pleassse! O_O....

Ouir- *smiles* Hey Aya.

My heart pounds fast in my chest. Do i really like him? His chestnut hair... Those blue eyes....

Quir- Want me to get you that? *points to the pajama* It will look good on you. I know so.

Aya- * Blushes* Y-yes P-please....

Ms.Kinimo- Aya?? Who is this fine gentleman?

Aya-T-this is Quir... He is in my school.

Quir- Good Afternoon Aya's Mother.

Ms.Kinimo-Good atfternoon to you too.

Ok... At the sleepover...

Saika- So Aya... Truth or dare??

Aya-Im not going to be a softie so Dare.

Saika and other girls-We dare you... To hand a love letter to your crush!!

Aya-*Sprays Water* NOOOOOOO!!! I-i mean.. Ok.

Saika and the other girls think its Rin she likes.. Boy do they have it wrong....

After all that mess...

Aya-*yawns* T-Thank you all for sharing this experience with me.*Bows*

Saika-Nahhh Its okay.Go enjoy life!

Enjoy life... huh.
~ Author Note ~

Hey its Minty! Sorry that chapter was sooo long. I just had to add Quir in that one. THEY ARE MY FAVORITE O.T.P (one true pair )
*FANGIRLS* ok ik let me calm down...


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