Making A New Friend

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Red's POV (school uniform us at da top)

I'm walking to school. By I'm walking to school, I mean I'm the only one walking to school. Every one always takes a bus, or rides in cars. Not me. I walk. I scan the streets and alleyways for any suspicious activity. I can't be ambushed on my way to school. I mean come on! I have to go to school! Just in case I was ambushed I keep a supply of daggers in my boots. You would think they would like my feet, but nope. They don't. I walk to the entrance to the school. I seen a kid being picked on by Gene and his Shadow Knight gang. I rushed over to them. "What do you think your doing?" I asked. "Oh, just talking to our new friend here." Gene said and gestured towards the kid. "I'm not falling for that Gene. I'm not as stupid as the teachers here." I spat. "Whatever, come on guys." Gene said to his gang and started to walk off. "If I ever see you messing with anybody else, I will end you." I said glaring daggers at Gene, Sasha, and Zenix. "Yea whatever." Gene said and they all walked away. "I could've dealt with that myself. I didn't need your help." The boy said. "Whatever. You sure we're handling that." I said sarcastically. He started to walk away. "Hey! What's your name?" I asked. "Zane..." The boy said. "Nice to meet y-" I started, but seen a shadow near the school in an alleyway. "Stay here." I said to Zane. I walked carefully to the alleyway. Good thing school doesn't start for 10 more minutes. I'll make this quick. I was pushed onto the wall. I quickly kneed the person where the sun does not shine. They fell to the ground. I pulled them back up, and pushed the guy on the wall. I pulled out a dagger from my boot and held it up to the mystery person's throat. "I know you work for my father, so I'll let you go....... With a warning. You tell my father to get ready. War is coming, and he'll regret the day he shot my mother. Do you understand?" I asked. The person nodded. "Good now go." I said and pushed the person away. He/ She ran away like a coward. "Some spy you are." I mumbled. I heard a noise coming from behind the dumpster. I out my dagger behind my back. I snuck up behind this person and put my dagger to their neck. "Who are you?" I asked. "Z- Zane." The person said. I quickly put my dagger back into my boot. "S- sorry. Uh, how much of that did you see?" I asked. "Enough to ask a bunch of questions!" Zane said. I heard the bell ring in the distance. "Sorry. Nows not the time. See ya later!" I said and walked off to the school. I could hear Zane mumble something, but I don't know what. I shrugged it off and headed to school.



Grrr... Another day going hungry. I can't buy myself lunch because I have no money. I sighed and headed off to the library. When I got there, I noticed something unusual. There was actually another person in the library? It was.... Zane. He looked sad. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at lunch?" He asked. "I should ask you the same thing." I said. "What do you want?" He asked harshly. "I come here everyday at lunch time to get away from everything. Today, your here. What's wrong? It seems like somethings bothering you." I said. "I'm fine...." Zane said. "Yea, you sure seem like everything's fine. Is Gene bothering you again?" I asked. "No, surprisingly that's not the case this time. Why do you care anyway?" He asked. "I care about everyone. I have a terrible life, and I want to make sure nobody else has to go through what I am." I said. "I said I'm fine!" Zane snapped. I heard his stomach growl. "You don't have any money to buy food?" I asked. He sighed and shook his head. My stomach growled too. "You don't either?" He asked. "Nope. I never do. I know it's weird for a freshman to say this, but I... I don't have parents, money, or anything to eat." I said. Zane gasped. "Y- your homeless?" Zane asked. "No, I have an apartment. Or rather, my father's apartment." I said. "I thought you said you don't have any parents." He said. "Well, I might as well not have any. My mother is d- dead, and my father is never around. I- I really don't want to get too much into it. It's a touchy subject, you know?" I asked. He nodded. "I understand." He said. "Thanks, so what about you? Why don't you have any money?" I asked. (IMMA GONNA SAY ZANE'S MOTHER IS DEAD. YOU'LL SEE WHY IN DA FUTURE!!!) He sighed. "I suppose if you told me about yourself, I have to tell you about myself, huh?" He asked. "Yep!" I said popping the p. "My mother died of an unknown sickness a long time ago. My father started drinking heavily. He always.... He would always hit my brothers and I. Abuse us. He's never really around. Maybe twice every year or so. We have no money. My older brother, Garroth is getting a job soon, and hopefully then, we can have enough money for food." He said. "Wow.... Looks like we've been through almost the same thing." I said. The bell rang. "Hey, were can I find you after school?" I asked. "Meet me at the water fountain at the front of the school." Zane said. I nodded. "Hey wait! What's your name?" Zane asked. "Rose, but call me Red." I said. I walked off to go to class.


Do I finally have a friend? Wow... I think I do.



I walked towards the water fountain. No Zane. I wonder where he is? I heard yelling coming from the track. I ran over to the track and seen Gene and his gang beating up Zane. I rushed over to them, and punched Gene in the stomach. I knocked him out. Sasha and Zenix charged at me. Sasha tried to punch me in the jaw, and I blocked it. Zenix tried to kick me in the stomach, but I quickly jumped back. Somehow Zane got a baseball bat and hit Zenix over the head and he was knocked out. Now for Sasha. She tried to punch me again, but I grabbed her wrist blocking her from hitting me. I twisted her arm around so her hand touched her shoulder blade. That's when a teacher rushed over. Thank Irene it was Mrs. White. "What's going on here?" She asked. "Gene..... Gene happened. He hurt another student." I said. "Oh... I'll tell the principal. These delinquents won't be back to school for a very long time." She said and walked away to go get the principal. I knocked out Sasha and dropped her on the ground. I walked over to a shaking Zane. "Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded. "They didn't hurt you, too bad, did they?" I asked. "No... I'm used to the pain." Zane said. I hugged him. He seemed shocked at first, but after a few minutes, he returned the hug. I noticed his eye was bruised. "Your eye...." I said. "Yea, and my only good one too." He said grumpily. "It should clear up in a few..... Weeks..." I said. "A FEW WEEKS?!" Zane yelled. "Hey calm down. It's not that bad. You can barely notice it." I assured him. "Fine.... Uh, I wanted to show you something." Zane said and he grabbed my hand and started to lead the way to where ever we're going. I blushed when he touched my hand. I could tell Zane was blushing also. I seen a little bit of it over his mask. He immediately let go of my hand. "S- sorry about t- that." He stuttered. "I- it's okay." I said.



"This is it." He said. I looked around. There was a beautiful cherry blossom tree, and a pond.

 There was a beautiful cherry blossom tree, and a pond

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"Wow! It's beautiful! How did you find this?" I asked. "Well, I have lived here for a long time, and I guess after a while, you get curious and want to see what's out there. This just happened to be not that far away from my house." Zane said. "I love it!" I exclaimed. "I'm glad... Hey, now I don't have to come here alone anymore! We can meet up here anytime if you need anything!" Zane said. "Okay!" I said. "Oh and Red?" He asked. "Yea?" I asked. "Could you please keep this place a secret? I don't want it to be discovered. Then I can't have my peace and quiet, ya know?" He asked. "Sure! I'll keep it a secret!" I said. "Thanks... I know I might not really know you that well, but I can tell your a really nice person." Zane said. "T- thanks." I said and blushed. "I gotta get going before my brothers get worried and try to look for me. It was nice meeting you Red!" Zane said. "Okay! It was nice meeting you too!" I said. I started heading towards my apartment.

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