|| Tempest ||

6 1 0



- River Flows In you ~Yiruma

- Disconnected ~5 Seconds Of Summer

- Nicotine ~ Panic! At The Disco


Tempest hadn't thought about it when she took her Rolls Royce this morning and then invited her friends over to study at her place. Her father was the fourth richest man in the whole world, which of course resulted in nasty looks when she drove into her home, or just drove anywhere. Sometimes people even recognised her and that was probably the worst. They'd try to befriend her just for the money. His father had actually worked hard to reach where they were now! Tempest could still clearly remember her parents arguing about money and how they didn't have any when she was 4 years old. She had cried herself to sleep multiple times because she was sure they would get a divorce. Her father was unemployed and her mother's business had been shut down.

She was 5 years old when her father started his company, Bay technologies. Her father was a very smart man, even though he hadn't gotten a degree and had dropped out of High School when he was seventeen. He did invent a new way of putting together phones. This way was used in every phone from the moment people heard about it. Her father became the most influential man in the world and the fourth richest in the world too. It was safe to say he had had a lot of luck.

Tempest didn't think like that, about luck or letting fate decide like her father had done. She wanted to be a psychologist and she would do everything in her power to become a great one. From the moment she got into school, she had been staying up till late at night and working on school. She wanted her dreams to come true and no one could ruin that.

But as she sat there, in her huge room with all her friends staring at the big chandelier and the way her room was built up, or maybe just at the huge 3D tv that filled her whole room and could make it look like she was in the movie (father's invention), she wondered why she had to study that day. Couldn't they just watch a movie together? Her mind was raging. She had never done anything like it before, sat her career out of her mind like that, but she decided to do it anyway. Of course, everyone reacted with a big scream and they all sat down in the built in sofa's.

"So what do you want to watch?" Asked Tempest and scrolled down the movie page. It was endless and they still hadn't picked one and hour later.

"Wait, these aren't even in the cinema yet!" Joella exclaimed. Farrah nodded. "But I want to watch this one." She pointed at the Finding Dory movie and everyone laughed at her. They decided to watch it anyways. Farrah had been the first to pick a movie so it was only fair they watched her pick. Also, they probably never would've picked one without her.

The movie was over and Farrah, Jackie and Joella decided it was time for them to leave.

Maya, Tempest's roomkeeper, as they liked to call her, came in the room with a KFC box in her hands. "I ordered it for you. Your parents won't be home till tomorrow." Tempest smiled. "Thanks Maya. Would you like to share it with me?" Maya nodded and the two ate their chicken while watching their favorite serie together. They cried for a little bit (the main character had just married someone) and they laughed and talked together. Maya had been Tempest's roomkeeper and friend since she had been 8. Maya was 16 at the time and could use a job. Her parents knew her already and decided to hire her. They had done this ever since. Maya had always been there for her when her parents weren't, which was often. Though she loved her parents, they weren't home very often.

After Maya had left, Tempest Skyped with Frida until they fell asleep and in the morning she woke up at ten, very disoriented and with a big bruise on her forehead for sleeping on the keyboard of her macbook the whole night. "Shit!" She quickly changed clothes and informed her driver of the emergency. They then rushed into the car and drove to school.

"Thanks Emilio!" Tempest yelled as she rushed up the stairs, towards the door, into the classes and just made it in time for the next lesson. She had missed two classes, but at least she wasn't late for her third.

"Hi Jackie," Tempest said, panting. Tempest then noticed everyone giggling and looking at her. She looked at Jackie for an answer. "Your hair," She whispered smiling. Tempest quickly got it to look a bit decent and they went on with the lessons.

Then the break came. Tempest would have to see Jackson again. She would have to see Rani again. She tried to find a good excuse not to be able to sit with them, but she figured she'd better keep Rani happy. "Hi Rani!" She said and hugged her. "Hey Tempest." They pretty much ate their lunch in silence.

School was finally over and Tempest had decided to walk home, since she never got the time to inform the driver which time she would be done with school. So, Tempest walked. The only problem was finding the way home. She really didn't walk as much, so she wasn't entirely sure where to go.

"Hey Tempest, wait up!" Tempest hear a voice behind her. She pulled her earplug out and looked around to discover Jackson running towards her. He stopped beside her.

"Hey Jackson, I didn't know we had to walk the same way home," Tempest said. Jackson shook his head. "I usually walk another way around. It's faster." Tempest decided not to ask more questions and just enjoyed having him around. "I wanted to give you this." He pulled a necklace out of his pocket. There was a ring attached to with the letters T and F engraved in it. Frida had one too and they had worn it ever since they were seven. She felt around her neck and, as expected, the necklace was gone. "I saw you drop it when you came into Math class and I thought I would give it to you when I wasn't around Rani. She can be a real pain in the ass sometimes." Tempest took it out of her hand and yet again, an electrical shock between the two. They both looked at each other much in surprise and Tempest put the necklace around her neck. "Can you fasten it?" She asked Jackson, before she noticed what she had just said herself. Jackson nodded and took the necklace to put it around her neck yet again. She felt a horrible feeling in her stomach and a heart beating faster than she even knew a heart was able to beat. It felt like she was about to have some kind of heart attack. She again felt the shock on her neck and then heard a click. She spun around and began to walk. "Thank you very much." She kept walking faster and faster, as if she could shake of that horrible urge to kiss him, right there by doing that. Jackson tried to follow up and in the process accidentally felt a shock against her arm again. "Tempest, wait a minute." She abruptly stopped and so did he. "You can't tell me you don't feel that too, that shock every time we touch."

Tempest looked down. She had to do something. She had this horrible feeling that this wouldn't end well. "Listen, you don' t have to be afraid. We'll figure out what's going on here together," he said, as if he could read her thought.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean and if I'm honest I think you should see someone. It's not healthy to feel like that when someone touches you." And with that, Tempest walked away. She had gotten tears in her eyes, but kept walking. She needed to escape this before it would be too late.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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