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Gather the wood and lean them one against the other.
Place the kindling in the center and light the flame.
Call our sisters to gather 'round, summon our mother.
Create a circle, bow your heads and whisper her name.

When the smoke rises off of the wood toward the sky,
Look for her there, behind the smoke, inside the fire.
Bring his effigy with x's drawn over each eye.
He'll not foresee his destiny burnt upon the pyre.

High-Priestess has prepared the toxic Hoo-Doo potion,
Poured out around the bonfire, roaring and blazing.
We shall dance to the chants, set our bodies in motion,
Dance 'round in a distorted ritual hazing.

The curse of the black witch is chanted wild and frantic,
In impassioned and delirious possession.
The demons that speak in tongues have now gone mantic.
The effigy surrendered for ruinous transgression.

"Voodoo magic, dance of desire,

Scatter your beads, reach into the fire.

Feathers shaken, invoking the winds.

Drum beat faster, the twilight bends.

Haunting of minds, the effigy is hung,

Speak to the dead in another tongue.

The orgy begins, black moon bleed,

Voodoo magic in the hoodoo seed."


They found him lying upon the floor, ashes and bone.
They chose to judge this spontaneous combustion.
They thought it best to walk away and leave it alone,
Dispose these remains, mercy without repercussion.


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