Her Story

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has been 3 years since her story went out. I would have asked the questions and been the journalist I was suppose to be, but I couldn't I couldn't bare the thought of having to ask those questions. I still have the look on her face as she told her story she was terrified I couldn't help,but feel sympathy how couldn't I after all we had history.


My boss just came and told me that I could have the biggest story in the company if I took his offer. He said he would give me some time to think about it, but it would really help me in my career. If I accepted I would have to start packing as early as today, but there would be a risk. My boss also told me that he worried for my safety.

I would be making a piece about the Rwandan Genocide and how it started I even worried for my safety who knows what could happen. I would be going to Rwanda, Africa. I'll be honest I am scared, they say or from what my boss has told me that the Tutsi and Hutu's have been killing eachother, but it's mostly towards the Tutsi who are being killed off by the Hutu people. I hope everything goes well on the trip.

Days Later...

I have finally arrived and I wil be staying in a village with a family. I have been told that for the first 2 weeks I wil be staying with a Tutsi family and talk about their side of history with the Hutu's, the following 2 weeks I would be with a Hutu family and get to know their side of history with the Tutsi. I just hope everything goes well

" Hi I'm Will the journalist." I said

" Hello call me Don." said the man, he looked so stern he kind of scared me.

" You will be staying with my family, all I ask is that you respect my family and my home." Mr. Don said.

" Yes sir, I understand and I appreciated you letting me stay in your home." I said, he just looked at me and nodded.

Later that night...

I'm about to have dinner with Mr.Don and his family this will be the first time I will meeting his wife and daughter who still lives with them. I made my way down to the dining room which was really hard since they had a really beautiful house. It had white marbel floors with high walls it was th nicest in the village.

I finally made it to the dining roo and was greeted by Mr. Don and his wife Yahri. Mrs. Yahri welcomed me amd promised to answer all the questions I had she was really nice. She said her daughter would be joining us later, and led her husband and I to the table.

As we ate I asked them what had beem going on.

" It's all against us the Tutsi it's been going on for a while, it's only getting worse." said Mr.Don " Does it scare you that the Hutu could get you and possibly kill your family ?" I asked. They both just stared at me for a while and then a voice said " Of course it scares us, wouldn't it scare you knowing that at any moment your family could possibly get killed?" it asked. Then she walked out and said "Well wouldn't you?" she asked once again.

" Safari, don't speak like that to our guest we've taught you better." Mr . Don said in a stern voice. She walked and sat beside her mother and said " Sorry father it won't happen again." she said amd stared at me.

" Well... ummm yes I guess I would be scared sorry for the question?" I answered Safari. The rest of dinner was silent except for the small talk that Mrs. Yahri would attempt to make.

February 28, 1994

It has almost been a week and I have some information I have even sadly witnessed some of the killings. I have noticed that sometimes as the Hutu's were about to kill a Tutsi they would would say cut down the trees. Later I asked Mr. Don what this meant and he said the Hutu people called the Tutsi peope this because of how tall they were.

" Why are you doing this going around asking question." Safari asked me as she walked in the room. I noticed that indeed she was tall, but I never had noticed it because she was shorter than me.

"Well I'm a journalist and I was put incharged of the piece all we want to know is the truth."  I answered. She seem curious about my my job so I asked her " Would you mind me asking a couple of questions to you?" she nodded as she sat on a nearby couch I sat acroos from her.

" Why or how did this all start?" I asked, she smiled a sad on she looked down and said " The Hutu have this ideology that the should have all the power in the government. It all started when the presidents plane was shot down everything went down hill after that." she said 

I took note and the asked Safari something I would later regret.

" Do you have any other family? " I asked she look at the floor for a while and then a tear slipped down her cheek.

" Yes, I did I had a younger brother. We were walking to the market and it was emptier than usual we just well I just thought it was because it was so early in the morning." Safari paused and wiped a tear that was making its way down her cheek. " You dont have to continue." I said

" No you want a story I'll give you story. I seen him running from far I just held on to my brothers hand tighter. As he came closer I seen he had a machete I froze. My brother didn't notice before I knew it he was cut in half." She lost and before I even knew it I was by her side. " He was only 5."she said I just held her.

1 week later.... 

Me safari have been getting really close she isn't the cold person I first had met. We are eating and we hear this loud banging. Mr. Don went to check what was going and then we heard him scream and instantly knew what was going. Told Safari and Yahri to go hide Mrs. Yahri insisted on staying. As the Hutu group of people came into tbe kitchen and pulled Yahri towards them and said to me " YOU ONLY CAME TO MAKE THINGS WORSE YOU TRIED ENDING YOU JUST STARTED A WHOLE NEW WAR. WE WILL BE BACK FOR THE GIRL." and then they killed Yahri right in front of me they left me standing there and Safari came out. She was  distraught.

Next 2 days....

I got Safari to come with me to the U.S. In the following weeks that we arrived she didn't speak until she gave her story. She blamed her self for their deaths and never forgave herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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