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"Mom, you taking too many pictures. Imma be late." I said. Its my first day at MCHS.

"Ok. Come on then." she said as she grabbed her keys. We got in the car and we drove to the school. On the way there, we begin talking.

"You excited?" my mom asked.

"Yes. I feel alive." I laughed.

We arrive at the school and a whole bunch of people was talking, laughing, and playing. "See you later mom." I said waving at her.

"Bye." she said driving off. I seen stares from other people and some group of boys licked their lips at me. Im too young.

When I was making my way to the cafeteria, a boy looked at me. He kept looking at me with some other group of boys. "Hey Kelly." he spoke. "Uh, do I know you?" I asked.

"Yea. Demron. Your neighbor." he smiled. "What made you come?"

"Well, my mom sent me here." I said looking directly into his eyes. Some of his boys was trying to get my attention but I wont let them. "See you around then." he smiled. Then all of them walked away.

"You must be new here?" a girl asked me. "Yea. Are you?" I asked. "Hell nahh. My name is Jalen. My name is common round here." she laughed. "I see you met Demron Johnson?"

"Yea. We actually neighbors."

"Yall what?! He came over to yo house?"

"Yea. Both of our moms knew each other."

"Oh. Thats nice. But lemme tell you something. He has a girlfriend but we never get to know her name for some reason. We met her through the movies. We cool but still I dont know her name."

"Wow. He told me that he was single."

"What?! But you fine as hell tho. No homo."

"Ight. But Im Kelly."

"Nice to meet you Kelly. Cute name."

"Not as beautiful as yours."

"I like you. You my new friend."

She grabbed me by the wrist and we ran to a table full of girls. "This is Kelly Jones." Jalen introduced me to the group. "Hey Kelly. My name is Maria." she extended her hand. "Ion shake hands." I said honestly. "Good pick Jalen." she winked at me.

I sat down and across from the table, Demron kept looking at me. "She Dem new neighbor." Jalen spoke. "Fr?" Maria asked looking at me. "Yea. Its not what it looks like. I have no interest anyways. And plus Im in the 9th." I said.

"We all in the 9th but I was one of Demron ex's. He didnt like me because I was too young." Maria said rolling her eyes.

"Well he told me I was young when he was in my room yesterday." I said.

"He was in your room?" Maria asked.


"Yall had sex?"

"Ew. No. But we almost did."

"Tell us girl!" All of them shouted. I was telling the story until Demron grabbed me and hugged me. "I miss your scent all day." he whispered. He touched my ass and grabbed it. I didnt know he was like this.

I had my arms wrapped around his neck and my face buried into his chest.


Mann, I love this girl already. But I cant tell her that Im taken. "Let go nigga." she pointed. "My bad. I love you tho." I smiled before leaving.

My boys was over there smiling and shit. "I see you. Pulling hoes."

"Man she aint no hoe type. She wifey type. Seen her crib and her room."

"I see you ni and wait, her room?"

"Hell yea. We almost had sex before she stopped. I understand because she young as hell tho." I said. They all nodded before the bell rung to go to class. Coach seen me and waved. "I seen you with that girl Dem." he said. Damn. Coach dont like me to talk to females. Especially at this school. "Im sorry coach. It wont happen again." I said as I was walking to class. I texted my lady and she texted me back.

My Lady: See you when we get out of school. ;).

Me: I got ya. 😏.

I put my phone on silent and went to class.

After School...

"Yall give me 5 laps around this football field. Come on now. Dem, lead the way." Coach said.

I lead the way and I seen the cheerleaders practicing. "Hey ladies." I yelled. They all looked at me, including Kelly. "Hey." they yelled back. Kelly didnt speak. She was too busy cheering with the others who didnt look.

"Kelly!" I yelled at her. She looked then smiled. I smiled back and ran with the rest of the football players before I got caught. I was ahead of them anyways.

"Ok. This includes practice and I will see you guys later. Dem, come into my office right quick." Coach said dismissing practice. I went with him to his office and we was just talking bout the NFL.

"Son, you have a lot of good teams after yo ass. You need to step your game up and practice more."

"Coach, Im practicing and Im getting into shape for that big game coming up."

"Yea. Homecoming this year, we are going againt LCHS this year. Your big rival."

"Ok." I wasnt too excited to hear that. They beat us like 3 times in a row. My girlfriend cheers for their team and thats why I feel some type of way. Whateva Coach got planned for me or my team, Im willing to do it.


Im trying out for cheerleading and its going great so far. Until Demron called my name. He is sweet and all but he really not my type. "You know him?" a girl walked up to me. "Yea. He is my neighbor."

"Girl, you betta watch out. His ex is the captain of this cheerleading team." she said to me.

"I understand. Im not into him anyways." And I was. I dont have time for no boys. I need to focus.

"Umm, ok girl. By the way, my name is Jamee."

"Nice to meet you Jamee."

"Nice to meet you too." Cheerleading practice was over and tryouts is this Friday. As I was waiting on my parents, these two girls was fighting. They wasnt fighting but they kept getting into each other face.

"I swear my team bad. You dont want to mess with me." one girl said.

"Oh really? Because I heard that yall didnt beat us since '07." the other said. Probably it was cheerleading. While the group got bigger, I seen my captain, Amber.

"Ok girls. Go home." Coach Wood said. They separated but kept they eye on each other. I stood there as one of the girls ran to Demron.

She kissed him and he kissed her back. I did pay attention but I turned my head. "Bye baby." she said. "Bye Nisha." he said back.

"Excuse me?" she laughed.

"I mean Bye baby."

"Thats more like it." Then she walked away. He looked at me while I stared at my feet. "Kelly?"



"Bye." Before he could say anything, my ride was here. "Text me tonight."

"I might." Then I got in the car and waved to him.

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