Chapter 8: Attacked 1/2

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This Chapter is dedicated to DebraCampbell3 Thanks for Commenting! Okay! Since we're on that topic. Did you Vote and leave a comment on the last chapter? No?! Well I can wait! Thank you!

Steve and I started walking down the Hall we had a little small talk when I heard Tony ask "What is Phase 2" Steve and I walked in "Phase 2 is when shield will start using Hydra weapons!" Steve said to all of them. He looked over at Tony "Sorry, the computer was a little too slow for me" Nick walked over to us "Rodgers everything related to the tesseract doesn't mean.." Tony cut him off "Sorry Nick! Were you lying?" Steve frowned "I was wrong, the world hasn't changed a bit." Natasha and Thor walked into the room. Nat looked at Bruce "Wanna think about removing yourself from this environment Doctor?" Bruce looked at her. I blurted them out. 'These guys are like Hydra. I'm being lied to.' Bruce walked over to the display of the bomb being built. "I want to know why shield is making weapons with the tesseract!" Nick frowned and pointed his finger at Thor "Because of him" I looked shocked. Thor also looked shocked "Me?" Tony looked surprised too. "Last year earth had a visitor from another planet who had managed to level a small town." Thor looked angered "My people want nothing but peace!" Nick knew that "You're not the only people out there are you? And you're not the only threat! We're putting up with people who maxed out us!" Thor stepped over "Your work with the tesseract will help Loki achieve along with his Allies" I walked over to Bruce "Hey we should get out of here before something happens" Bruce Frowned " I'm not leaving!" I walked off and I looked at the staff and saw that it was glowing. I felt a sudden temptation of anger but I resisted it. "EVERYONE SHUT UP!" I screamed but it seemed like no one heard me. I guess it is because they are under so deep because of this. I walked out into the hall and started leaving the room before things got any worse. I looked around the hall and walked down it to the main room. I frowned and walked back in and heard them still arguing. An explosion went off and It sent me fly. I groaned and looked at my leg to see a giant glass shard right through it. I pulled it out and wrapped my leather Jacket around it. I got up and looked around. And I saw... To be continued.....

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