Chapter 5: art class

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I look around nervously. It seems to be better today. I'm barely getting stares but I'm still getting notices. I make it to my locker without seeing anyone I know. When I get to my locker I am surprised to see Reale there.

- Oh hi Paura!

- Reale! Everything ok?

-Yeah I just transfered into your art class because I didn't like drama/acting.

-Great! I have that class too!

-I know. That's why I'm here. We can walk to class together and talk about Tom.

Right now...that last thing I want to talk about is Tom.

We make it to our class with nearly a minute left. I sit down at my spot and Reale sits beside me. That's were Zoya usually sat. But I'm sure she'll be okay if Reale takes her spot for the class.

I was usual.

Zoya walked in and immediately yelled at Reale. She asked her to get out of her seat because it was hers. Reale just looked at me with an odd face. The last thing I wanted right now was to be part of an argument. But since Zoya and Reale are both nice people I'm sure they'll agree soon enough.

I was wrong...again.

Reale turned into some verbal monster insulting Zoya left and right. Zoya looked at me for help and ill I could do was shut my eyes. I was terrified of the outcome of this argument.

Luckily for me, the bell rang indicating the Start of class. Then the teacher asked Zoya to sit down at a different spot. Thanks teacher for solving that problem. Reale turns to me:

-Can you believe the way she treated me?

Not knowing what to answer I just spit out:


-Why didn't you defend me against her?

I explain how zoya and I are best friends and she gets up instantly and leaves class.

I thought Reale was different. I thought she was gonna be nice but popular girls always have a trick up their sleeve.

Zoya comes to sit beside me now. I apologize for not saying anything because I was scared and she understood fully. I have a great friend don't I. The teacher announces a art project. He says it's to be done in groups of two. Zoya and I turn to each other instantly! Were so excited. Our project insists of creating 3D models of ourselves. Zoya and I will do great I just know it!

When I'm

Back home I do the usual: go online, write in my diary, homework(if I have any), eat and sleep. I'm pretty anti social if you ask me.

I can't wait for the weekend! It will be the first time Zoya and I hang out outside of school.

Sadly it's only Wednesday today so I have a few days to wait but I can't help but be happy. Grinning from ear to ear.

I get a text from Reale but I ignore it. Tom sends me one too but I really don't want to get involved with anything involving those two.

Obviously my curiosity tells me otherwise. I check my texts. But only Reale's. She apologized for today. Should I believe her? Was it just a mood swing? Was it just a random moment of anger? Or was she trying to get to me so she can destroy my would into a million pieces. Ok that was over exaggerated but I'm concerned. I accept the apology and forgive her. I thought since she was nice about the whole Tom situation maybe it was just a mood swing. You know how girls are when it's their time of the month. I chuckle at my thoughts.

Once again curiosity strickes. I check Toms text. It said:

'Hey Laura! We didn't have a chance to talk today. What's up?'

I wanted to answer badly but I just ignored it. I will answer tomorrow morning.

The next morning I wake up and answer the text as I convinced myself I would do. And I shower. I'm the kind of girl that hates beeing dirty. I'm not germaphobic but pretty close to it.

I brush my long blonde hair and for today I decided I would leave it down. I don't do that often. I usually just put it up in a ponytail or braid. Pretty boring but it's convenient. I don't have to mess around with it and it stays out if my face. I stare into the mirror. I felt ugly looking at myself. I have low self esteem. Tom made me feel special.

Today I invited Zoya over to work on the rproject. Since we both love art, it only took us two hours to finish it entirely. That's pretty good. Record time I think. We spent the rest of the day shopping. Zoya was an expert in this field and she wanted to bring me last weekend but I didn't want to go.

When I get back home I check my texts. I don't bring my phone out with me because I'm scared I'll lose it. Tom had replied. After telling him I was good he asked if I wanted to go do something with him again tomorrow. I was hesitant. The last time Tom and I did something just the two of us people spread rhumors that were dating. I don't want that. So I rejected the offer and said I had homework. That was a lie of course but it needed to be said.

So it's Monday. The day everyone hates. I'm nervous for art class. I don't know who will sit beside me. Reale walks in the class first and sits down at the seat. Oh no. I hope Zoya Dosent get mad. Thank god she Dosent. She just sat in front of me. I'm sure Reale and her are gonna be giving each other dirty looks all class.

Now art class isn't the funnest. I'm always nervous. To be honest I liked it better without Reale.

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