Chapter 6: a week of hell

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I hate being nervous. I think it's the worst feeling. Why is it that every time I enter the school I'm always nervous? I don't think that's normal. I've been avoiding Tom for like 4 days now and he keeps trying to text me but I just can't. I know I like him. Like alot. I don't want to but you can't fight love. I've been trying to ignore him so that I would stop liking him but to be honest...I miss him and now I like him even more.

I'm walking towards my locker and I see someone standing at my locker. I pray to god that it's zoya but it's not. It's Tom. I turn around hoping he didn't notice I was there and walk away but he yells out my name. Great. Just great.

-Laura! Wait up!

I stopped and turned around. He's so hot. His effortless hair do is beautiful and I just want to put my hands through his hair so badly. His eyes just sparkle in a non-creepy way. His skin is just so perfect and seems so soft. And he's just fit. He definetly works out or something. Maybe I should ask him wich sports be plays. I really want to hug him right now. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Tom:

-Laura you okay?

-yeah I just zoned out

-haha yes you why have you been ignoring me?

-I'm not ignoring you...

-yes you are Laura. I don't know you well but I know you enough to realize you were ignoring me.

I wanted to tell him about how much I like him but I just couldn't.

-can you just forget it?


His answer surprised me. I was thinking he would just shut up and leave me alone but he cares. No one cares usually.

-just leave me alone

He seemed sad by my statement. I just opened my locker, took my books and closed it before walking away to my class.

I knew that what I said was rude but I really wasn't in the mood to talk to him or his girlfriend Reale.

Luckily my first class is math. This means the only person I know in that class is Zoya. I won't have to deal with a bunch of bullies or Tom. To be honest I just want to tell Tom all my feelings. If I did, Reale would Kill me and I wouldn't live to see another day.

I spend the whole math class doodling in my notebook useless drawings and sketches while the teacher talks about her life and equations for an hour or so. If I needed to write anything down for that period I'll just ask and copy of of Zoya. I don't have perfect grades. They're not bad but not good. I don't see the point of school. I know you make friends but you mostly make enemies and get a bunch of hate from everyone that surrounds you.

When the bell rings I quickly realize what class is next. Art. I just want to leave the school. So I decided with Zoya that I would. I really didn't want to go to that class because of Reale. Why does my school life always turn out to be difficult? I thought changing schools would change that but I guess not.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2013 ⏰

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