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Abigail and Cameron turned around and looked at me. It's been years. I don't think they'll remember me. I hardly noticed it was them.

I was still gaping at them and didn't notice them also gaping at me. I could feel my eyes starting to water. Abigail also had tears in her eyes. Cameron was just starring lost in his thoughts.

I burst into sobs and so does Abigail. We start running towards each other.

We embraced each other in a tight hug and started crying on each others shoulders. Then, all of our memories together came flooding in. The time where we met in middle school and the last time I saw her. Oh, how much I missed her.

After crying our eyes out, we pulled away and looked at each other with smiles plastered on our faces.

"Um, Daniela?" Neymar asks from behind me. I turn to him.

"Yeah?" I ask him.

"We should probably go inside a cafe right now before fans see us." He says as he puts on some sunglasses and I agree.

"I need to explain, let's go somewhere more private." I say happily. She nods and we hug again.

I then turn to Cameron. He smiled almost in tears and hugs me tightly and I hug him as well. We then pull away and start looking around for a nice place.

After finding a small cafe , we enter and sit at a table. Neymar next to me and Abigail and Cameron next to each other.I should probably introduce them.

"Abigail, Cameron, this is Neymar." I say and they exchange greetings. They never liked soccer, I knew this.

"Well, firstly, I was kidnapped." I say and they both gasp.

"What?!" Abigail and Cameron yell.

"It was a Saturday, and I was walking to work, when he kidnapped me. I didn't even say bye to you guys." I say almost tearing up again, but Neymar grabs my hand under the table. I smile up to him and he does too.

"It was weird. They did hurt me, but they let me go to school and go to work and everything. Like abusive parents. Well, one day, they kidnapped someone else. It was a baby. I took care of him, not letting them hurt him. Years later, I was working and met Neymar. Then, I found out that it was his son that they kidnapped. So, Neymar helped me escape them. This probably sounds crazy, but it's true." I say. The looks on their faces held disbelief, confusion, and anger.

"Oh my gosh, Ella. I do believe you. You don't know how much we looked for you. I missed you so much." Abigail says smiling and tearing up.

"I missed you too." I say truthfully.

"Ella?" Asks Cameron quietly. I turn to him.

"Yes?" I ask him

"Can I talk to you, alone?" He asks not making eye contact to anyone. He was always shy. I smile.

"Sure." I say as a let go of Neymar's grip and the both of us stand up from our seats and walk to a secluded area.

Once we stop walking, he speaks up.

"Ella, you don't know how much I was hurt when I went to your house to ask for you since you haven't gone to school. I asked your dad where you were. He said you were missing. I knew all along. I went looking for years. I never gave up. I actually went looking for you yesterday. I moved to Barcelona for my new job and looked around here. Abigail also moved here. Abigail wanted to ask your dad, but he moved away. I never told her. It's been years Ella. I've missed you so much, baby." He says breaking in tears at the end and so am I. He never gave up? I throw my arms around him and hug him. And he hugs back.


What's taking them so long?

"So, um, Neymar, right? How did you really meet Daniella?" Abigail asks me eyeing me up and down, well as far as she can since we're sitting at a table.

"Well, I was at the local clinic to get some treatment, since I play soccer, and she was checking up on me and she asked me if a have a son, and that's how we found out everything."I say.

"Do you like her?" She asks in a hushed tone with a smirk. And I just stare at her wide eyed.

"Why would you ask that?" I ask nervously.

"Because when I mentioned her name, you immediately payed attention. And now you got all nervous. Guys are just too easy!" She says leaning back on her seat like she just solved a puzzle and is really proud about it.

"Well you're wrong, cause I don't." I say trying my best to sound serious but fail miserably.

"Are you sure?" She asks narrowing her eyes at me.

"Oh, there they come!" She says excitedly. I quickly turn my head to see Daniela but then see no one. I turn to her confused but then my cheeks turn deep red when I see her just smirking at me. I fell for that trap. That was good, Abigail.

"Don't try to hide it. You'll look like an idiot." She says and laughs.

I really like Daniela. I really do.


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