Chapter 1 (The Beginning )

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" where the fuck is the money Ronnie ? We can do this the easy way or the hard way ". I said while pointing my s&w .45 at this bitch ass nigga head.

He looked at me with pleading eyes. " Please dont kill me Ro i got a family please " . He begged. " I aint steal shit from you , Ro you know im all aboutcha " . 

I laughed then pistol whipped him in the mouth with the gun. " Yeah okay , i'll let you go . ''i untied him and watched him stand up. " Thank you Ro I swear ...." * POW POW * the gun sounded off sending two shots between his eyes. " I bent down to his dying corpse an whispered " You're with your family now bitch " . I pulled out my phone an called my contractor to let him know that everything went according to plan an proceeded to the master bedroom . " If I had 10 million in cash an 250,000 in drugs where would I hide it" I thought to myself. I started from the bed then made my way to the dresser an found nothing . " think Rocaine , think  " ,  I starred an looked at wall picture he had of his daughter Savannah an made my way to it . I removed the picture an there was a in-wall safe with a 6 digit code an if anyone knew Ron they knew he loved his daughter so I tried the only combination I could think of '07..05..00' . The safe opened I smiled an knew I was set for life....

* Years  Later *

I woke up to my loud ass phone ringing. " Wassup Bitch ! " I heard My loud ass Bestfriend say in the phone. " What you want hoe i'm sleep " i said . While looking at the time on my screen.  " Rude " She Says. " We going to be late for work fucking around with you " she says. " Whatever be there in 20 " i said while hanging up before she says something else . 

I walked to my bathroom and turned on the shower and hopped in . After finishing showering i put my bundles into a low ponytail . Brushed my teeth and put on this simple ass Blue Suit. Grabbed My keys and dipped out the house. 

After picking up my talkative ass Bestfriend from her house . We started on our way towards our job. " So bitch I heard theirs a new nigga at our job that's fine as fuck girl". she said while wiggling her thick ass eyebrows. " Girl you think i'm worried about a nigga , you must be crazy im all about my money Kiya you know that". I Told her . " Living Large ". she mocked what i tell her everyday. 

We pulled up to our job and find this sexy new 2020 Honda in my parking space. I parked behind the car and laughed. " Whoever shit this is need to move it before i do " i said with attitude.  " My Bad Ma I aint know this was yo space " this sexy dark skin creature smiled at me . I gave him head nod while getting back in my Benz and backing up. He moved his car and i parked in my space. " How he not know it was your space when its says clear as day * Reserved Parking For Rocaine Presidential * Kiya read the big ass sign. " Right bitch " I agreed with her. 

I walked in and sat at my desk and seen a whole stack of new workers Kiya hired for my Car Enterprise Business . I called Kiya In my office over the intercom " Kiya May You Please Come In here " i said in the most kindest voice i could fake. " yes ? " she says while closing the door behind her . I waited till the door was fully shut. " Bitch What The fuck is all of this " I whined while pointing to the stack of papers on my desk.

She laughed. " Ro we had to hire more people we have expanded and our cars are selling off the charts ".  I nodded " Call a meeting ". i said thinking.  she nodded and walked out. I heard her loud ass mouth Over the intercom saying " Aye Everybody We Having UH M.E.E.T.I.N.G Now Chop Chop". I died laughing at her slow ass. I walked to the Meeting room and open the door seeing all these brand new faces. 

Everybody seemed unfazed when i walked in and was talking amongst each other. I walked in my most bad bitch walk and sat at the head chair and coughed. Everybody attention faced me. " Well Hello My Name is Rocaine Daniel As you all can call me Ms. Daniel I am the CEO and Founder of This Here Business * Rose Luxury Enterprise * 

and today where going to talk about why do you want to work for us ..... 'Hours Later' 

After hours of orientation miss Jackie My receptionist calls me on the intercom " miss Daniel your brother is on the phone for you" .  I sighed and walked out of the orientation to grab the phone. " Whats up jayjay " I whispered into the phone. with a low sadden voice he says " Mom is sick Ro, They found her passed out and foaming out her mouth today at  her desk. My face dropped. " Ro you there? " he questioned with concern but I still said nothing I was speechless.

" I know you guys weren't on the best terms but Ro, she needs someone and i'm overseas I wont be able to make it there, they wont even give me a leave date". I sighed once again. " i'll book a flight in the morning. " Thank sis" he said while hanging up. I hung up the phone and told Jackie to hold meetings im going home early.  I walked out the building and into my car and drove home in silence. 

I arrived home within 15 minutes . I didn't even want to eat I just wanted to book this flight and go to sleep. and that's exactly what I did. I woke up the next morning around 5am packing my bag feeling groggy thinking to myself " she'll be alright if I don't go right , I mean would she even be happy to see me after the falling out we had ? " shaking that thought out of my mind. I got up and did my morning routine and put on a simple black hoodie, some sweat pants and my rainbow crocs. grabbed my phone and keys and walked out the door . The thoughts of me going back there made me uneasy when I left the Bronx I never seen myself coming back .. well not this soon I guess . I arrived at the airport , got on my flight and headed my to The hell I call my hometown.  Brooklyn, NY .  

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