Chapter 1

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Your POV

You tiptoed to the door, making sure you weren't stepping on anything that would make a sound. As your door creaked open, your mom peaked out of the kitchen.

"Y/N! Have a good day at school, alright?"

Yes, today was your first day of school after a four month summer, but you had other plans. "Dear? Why are you carrying so many bags?"


You did have a bunch of bags, two back packs on your shoulders and a stroller. "Uh..." You paused to think of an excuse, "We always need this many bags for high school on the first day!" You blurted out.

Your mom stared at you suspiciously, then shrugged, "Alright. See you tonight!" She waved goodbye as you exited the building.

You had a plan to get back to Gravity falls, walk a few miles until you reach a bus station up North, then ride several buses back to Gravity falls. It would take a long time, but it's worth it.

You made it out of your subdivision, waving goodbye to the guards as you walked out. You went into an alley way and decided to completely cheat at life, the more you thought about your journey to Gravity falls, the more you realized how tiring it was gonna beat. Then you remembered, you have the power to teleport!!

"Gravity falls, here I come." You shut your eyes and vanished from your spot. You popped back into reality and saw that you spawned at the bus station. "Crap, I forgot I can't teleport that far." You hissed at yourself.

You decided not to stretch your powers as when you tried to do that, you ended up getting a scar on your hand, and it was raining really hard, with thunder and lighting close enough that it could strike you were you stood.

You sighed, leaning against the pole on the station, staring into the sky. It's been two years since you've seen Gravity falls, how much has changed? The rose Bill gave you hasn't wilted, so that meant he hadn't forgotten you. You had used all of the gifts that were given to you. You had an entire sketchbook of doodles you made with the pen Dipper gave you, and you actually got stuck in the snow once during winter when you went out to get a snack, so you were able to summon the scarf and used it.

The rain weakened as a bus pulled up, you brought out a few dollars and gave it to the bus driver. "Hello, I'm heading to Gravity falls." You shrugged.

He nodded and took your money, the bus was practically empty, but you took the seat in the back. It was only four more busses until you reached the town. Damn.

You pulled out your ear phones, playing a song that had just came out. Everything stays. You stared out the window, the lyrics playing in your ears.

Everything stays...
Right where you left it.
Everything stays...
But it still changes.
Ever so slightly,
Daily and nightly,
In little ways, everything stays...

The rest of the song just became a blur as you slowly drifted into your thoughts.

Time skip

Your final bus stopped at the bus station in Gravity falls, it hadn't changed except for the fact they had painted it red now, last time you were here it was blue. You stretched, giving a long yawn. You felt the energy bubbling inside you, so you wasted no time and teleported to the Mystery Shack.

You burst inside without thinking. Someone who was sorting out some snow globes turned to you, he looked oddly familiar but yet so new to you.

"Excuse me, are you looking for something?"


Oh My God...

He stared at you with confidence and worry in his eyes... More like eye, he had a black eyepatch over his left eye. His hair was a pastel blue, and it was really messy, like he had just woken up. He was wearing a dark blue flannel and white jeans, with dark blue trainers for shoes.

He looked so familiar... Then it hit you.


"Do... I know you...?" He asked.



Okay, I said I'll post this later on, but I was just so excited that I typed out the first chapter!! Hope you liked it!!

Author-chan!! Out~!!

It's time to come back (Gravity falls x Reader x Reverse falls)Where stories live. Discover now