Chapter 12

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You kept walking with Dipper trailing behind you.

It's gotta be around here

You finally stopped at the sight of the stone statue, except this time... Someone was sitting on it. His legs were crossed as he sat on the brim of the top hat, with his legs supported by the arm of the statue.

The guy stared out into space, his face practically emotionless and dead. You raised your shield up, which was a really nice shade of pink. You stepped forward. Sunshine hit the ground and the statue, plus of course, the stranger. The man's golden hair shined, but the back of his head was black.

You yelled, "Hey!!" The stranger turned to you, revealing that his left eye had a huge scar and the right shined. You recognized the face immediately and gave him a tackle. "Oh, Bill!! You little bitcheloid!! I was so worried!!"

"Y-Y/N!! You're supposed to be in school!" His voice sounded more demonic now, with other pitches sounding with his original voice. It was kinda creepy.

"Whoa! Bill!! The fudge happened to your voice?" You asked, poking his nose for some reason that will never be revealed to the readers.

He stared at your finger for a while, until you removed it and he spoke. "My voice changed due to the maturity of myself as a demon." He shrugged.


He sighed and stood up. "Come on, and bringing you back to class." He took your wrist and grabbed Dipper's on the way too.

Damn, he's so mature now. It's strange... Too strange...

"Hey, Bill. Wanna here a joke about potassium?" You asked, attempting to light up the mood. He nodded, so you replied, "K."

You heard Dipper snicker and Bill just stared  at you with an eyebrow raised. "What?" He asked, staring at you with a strange and confused expression.

"Hehe... Don't you get it...?" You laughed awkwardly, "The... Peridotite table... K... Y'know... Potassium?" You chuckled.

"I get the joke, just don't understand why you find it funny." He sighed.

"Whatever... Let's go." He continued to drag you by your wrist, and Dipper pulled away and just walked behind you two.

"Bill... Stop, you're gonna dislocate my bones." You scowled, it has been thirty minutes and he still hasn't found his way to the school.

"You'll be able to fix it later, so yeah, deal with it." He continued dragging you.

The dragging continued until he left both of you at the entrance of the school, where you gave him a hug then walked back inside with Dipper.

You walked into art class, waving good bye to Dipper as he left for P.E.

You sat next to a girl with orange her, tied in pigtails. To be honest, she looked kinda ridiculous. Her cheeks were painted with circles of a pastel pink, so it wasn't too obvious.

She was sketching a few things that looked weird to you... Actually, no. After what you've seen- the things she was drawing were just unfamiliar.

The was currently working in this fox pirate, simply sketching the thing. The others she had finished were a ballerina with cheeks like hers, a bear with a rabbit puppet and something mangled up.

"Excuse me." You blurted out. She turned to you, her eyes a glistening green.

"Hi..." She spoke in a calm, quite high pitched voice. But it wasn't super high like the girl last time.

"You're drawings a really cool." You commented, flashing a genuine smile. She blushed and gave you a pencil.

"Wanna draw with me?" She asked.

"Sure!" You exclaimed, pulling your seat closer to hers. She ripped out a page of her sketch book and handed it you. You decided to draw Bill and Will floating with other random things author chan is too lazy to think of.

"By the way, I'm Y/N." You smiled.

"I'm Baby. Yes, I know it's dumb. But my parents didn't know that I was gonna grow up, they're so immature." She sighed, you patted her back.

"Nah, dude. I think it's cute." You flashed a cheeky smile.

"Haha..." She rubbed her arm nervously. "You seem like a nice person. Do you wanna be friends?"

"Awesome! I would love to be friends with you!" You exclaimed.

"O-oh? That's new, not that many people say that." She sniffled.

She was currently wearing a black and white sweater and a pink skirt, weird combination, but you decided not the question her.

The teacher walked in and you pulled your chairs apart. "Let's chat later." You whispered, she nodded, a smile on her face.


Don't shoot!

Yes, I know I haven't updated in like two months, but I literally had nothing to type. So, yeah, have this.

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