Chapter 10

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"Heck no, Will!! I ain't going back there!, what if I get trapped?!" You yelled frantically, "... AGAIN?!" You added. You really didn't want to go back there and put your friends through so much trouble in trying to get you back.

They stared, the room was silent. Mabel wasn't here to break the silence at the time. You stared back at them, before standing straight and awkwardly walking out of the room. "Nope, nope, nope, nope."

"Y/N! Come on!! Please do it for me!!" Will yelled.

"No! Also, it's hard to get to the Mindscape." You walked back to the room, "And I'm too lazy right now." You sighed.

"What's the Mindscape?" A voice came from the door.

You froze in utter shock, turning around to face your music classmate. The blue eyed Swede stood there with a dumb founded look on his face.

"Felix! What are you doing here?!" Will laughed awkwardly, pretending to not know why he was actually here.

"Wut...? Will, you told me to come here so we could walk to school together, what are you talking about." Felix explained.

(The Youtubers are only 16-17, but they look like what they look like currently, like Jack has his green hair, and Mark has his red hair, but they look younger. :3)

"So..." Felix raised his shoulders and his hands, placing them behind his head. "Should we head out...?,

You just stood there, before rushing to the Swede and pulling him out, the two followed after grabbing their bags. Mabel apparently went ahead, for some reason.

"So... About the Mindscape-"

"NEIN!" You snapped, making Felix shut his mouth. "Felix Kjielberg, you will not tell ANYONE about the Mindscape, this is a secret. Tell anyone, and you'll be dead where you stand..." You hissed into his ear. You enjoyed feeling him shudder, it made you feel powerful.

"O-okay..." He gulped nervously.

"Hehe..." Dipper laughed.

You turned towards him and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You should've seen how ridiculous you looked when you were threatening him." He pulled out his phone and showed you a picture he just took, it was Felix, rubbing his hands nervously, and you tiptoeing just to reach his ear level.

"Fuck you, Dipper." You glared at your friend, who just laughed. "Come here, you little shaftan!" You chased after him, and all the way to the school.

At the entrance, you could see Marinette, Adrien and the other guys waiting there. You made a leap for Dipper and tackled him through the school gates. "Gotcha!!" You pinned his arms to the floor, smirking.

"Don't hurt me!! Please!! Y/N!! Don't kill me!!" Dipper pleaded with you.

You sighed and stood up, walking towards Marinette to greet her a good morning. "Hey Mari!" You smiled warmly.

Time skip: English Class

"This is so boring..." You groaned, Will hummed, but was actually ignoring you because he was taking down notes. You flailed your arms a bit and he sighed.

"Pay attention in class, so you'll have a chance of passing." He whispered.

"Why should I? I'm a demon, Will. I can do whatever the hell I want." You glared at him. "I can literally go to the Mindscape and spend the rest of my life there eating chips and watching youtube or tv."

"You're also half human-" He smiled, "And you can't stay in the Mindscape forever, or you'll be kicked out." He teased, grinning this time.

"Shit. She can't find out that she can make her own alternate universe and spend the rest of her life there, she's fun to hang out with."

"Will, are you serious right now?" You sighed.

He gasped and covered his mouth, almost falling out of his chair. "Y-you-you... You read my mind?!?!?!" He yelled, pointing at you dramatically.

You face palmed and slammed your face onto your desk, Mark, Jack and Marinette turned around and saw Will gasping. "Sorry, Miss!! Will here is just playing around!" You explained.


You forced him to sit down and shut up with your magic. You could see the struggle in his eyes as he tried to resist your hold. "Shut the hell up, or I will end you right here and now. Cipher."

He nodded and looked away.

Making people fear you is always fun :)

It's time to come back (Gravity falls x Reader x Reverse falls)Where stories live. Discover now