Rikki's P.O.V:
We were in the car and I saw us go past all the pizza places in town and immeadiatly thought it was a bit creepy. ' Where we going Niall?' I asked cautiously. ' You will find out in a little while.' Before i could plead him my phone went PING. It was Nancy.
Nancy: WUU2 Hun
Rikki: NM U
Nancy: Wanna go get some pizza?
Rikki: Cant
Nancy: Y?
Rikki: Out on a Date.
Nancy: Ok have fun loved birds lol
Rikki: Giving you the evils right now... Lol Bye
' What The Hell are you doing' Niall asked me as i realised i was still giving the screen of my phone the evils. ' Nothing' i said relising from the stare. ' So guessed where we are going yet?' I shook my head. ' Well look over there.' I turnt my head round and i saw a big children in need sign. I turnt my head in exciment ' Yes we are going.' He said ginning like mad. ' But first we have to rehearse' He said. ' So whats happening?' i asked him to make sure of everything. ' So we are gonna go rehearse you can watch then you will be backstage at Children In Need.' He said my face lit up and i hugged him. ' THANK YOU' I screamed he just laughed. ' Sorry ' i said and turnt my head away. He turnt it back round and kissed me. We kissed for a few minutes. Then i turnt away and again he turnt my head instead of kissing me he said ' Why are you embaressed. I love you and thats all that matters.' Did he just say i love you?
The car stopped outside a little dance studio. We went in. The boys were already there. ' Why did it take you so long' Louis asked. ' There was traffic' Niall explained. ' Go sit over there and watch.' He whispered in my ear. I got my phone out my pocket and started to tweet.
@RikkiWuzHere: Hanging out wiv the gang
i checked my mentions
@ItsConnie : Wuu2 @RikkiWuzHere ?
@RikkiWuzHere: Watchin the guysU
@ItsConnie : Baby sitting again gtg bye
@RikkiWuzHere : Bye
I was watching the boys Niall kept looking over at me, which i found quite cute. My phone started to vibrate it was Nancy again.
The Convo
Nancy: Hey ik ur on a date an everyhting but when will u be able to chat
Rikki: i can chat now im watchig the boys rehearse now and ten seeing em in concert l8r
Niall's P.O.V:
I was watching Rikki text on her phone she was smiling to herself, it was so cute. She had her knees bent and her arms on her knees.
Zayn's P.O.V:
Rikki was looking at me, she looked worried ' Are U Ok' she mouthed i shook my head, she walked over. ' Whats up' She asked me. ' Me and Connie had a fight' her mouth dropped. ' She said she saw me kissing another girl.' She looked at me. ' Did You' she asked, ' No, the girl was a fan i was hugging her and she kissed me but she denied everything.' She hugged me ' I will have a word with her when i get back ok.' i nodded my head ' now get back to practice.
Rikki's P.O.V
I Cant wait for tonight.....