Meet Senna

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Name: Senna Of the sand or Senna Shinju

Age: 12 (but im changing it)

Birthday: June 22

Rank: Higher then Jonin and Anbu

Village: Sunagakure (but originally Konahagakure)

Likes: killing, blood (but will soon change)

Dislikes: everything

Dream: to kill her older sister

Past: same as sasuke

Personalities: cold hearted (but will be changed)

Love interest: noone (but will be changed)

Hobbys: read, train and kill

Kekai-genkai: Neko no me

Details of kekai-genkai: (you will see in the chapters)

5 years old

Looks:5 years old

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12 years old

15 years old

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15 years old

(There the 15 years old has pink eyes and ignore the clothing but thats what crystal looks like)

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(There the 15 years old has pink eyes and ignore the clothing but thats what crystal looks like)

5 years old

Clothes:5 years old

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12 years old

12 years old

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(Red and pink for the clothing but if you want..any color you want! :D)

15 years old

(The number 1 outfitColor: red and pinkAnd dont change the color)

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(The number 1 outfit
Color: red and pink
And dont change the color)


Thats all for my character please leave a comment if there is some things that I missed for the information
So yeah
Hope you guys like my story buh bai and peace out

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